The case given to us is about Swedco a Swedish company. The case is focused on identifying the procedures through which operating and functional practices are diffused in different parts of Swedco. Our task is to answer certain core questions raised at the end of this case study (Anne-Wil Harzing, 2010).
Question # 1
What is Distinctively Swedish about the company?
The Swedish element is present in almost all aspects of Swedco operations, most prominently the egalitarian and democratic process of communication is found in all areas. In the international operations of company a worker can easily perform its task without the presence of a supervisor. Managers in the international context encourage democratic decision making approach, Secondly element of the nature of Swedes to jump the hierarchy in discussing and putting the ideas in front of top management is also present in the international workforce of Swedco (Edwards), Third element of compromising and negotiating in agreements being made is also commonly present in its international operation. Fourth the consistence and continuity in the ownership of the firm is also representing the Swedishness of the company.
In short following elements are distinctively Swedish about company
Free Style Management
The management of Swedco is not autocratic; everyone is free to give suggestions regarding new ideas to accomplish goals of the organization.
Interactive upward communication
Communication within organization does not follow any chain of command, information flows very freely.
Stable ownership
As discussed above the ownership arrangement in Swedco is traditionally Swedish of nature (Edwards A. H., 2001). The company is operated and wholly owned by the same owners or managers who are overlooking it for a number of years, and there is no break and change in the ownership or management which is exposing Swedco to change.