Case Study: Fridgecom

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Case Study: FridgeCom


Question 1


Leadership is always been a significant topic in work and managerial psychology and much research has been dedicated to the topic. Trait, style, and unforeseen event theories of leadership in an organization are presented, as well as several substitute approaches to studying leadership. particular attention is also considering converting / charismatic leadership. The growing importance of global and international business world is to create a manager who is from the other country with the advanced technology of international management and strong demand. This led to the leadership of cross-cultural point of view more attention to the field. Other current changes, such as the development of information technology and task forces and other multilateral organizations, the increasing emphasis on mechanisms is common ways affect the work and organization. We conclude by presenting several possible ways in which these trends could change the future of the leadership role of the Organization chapter.

What is the difference between legend and 'great leader' from the 'ordinary people', the myth seems to have attracted people. Bass wrote: 'In the era of civilization, the formation of the leaders as much as possible because it is the emergence of the formation of their opponents of the leadership. From its initial stage, the study of history has been a leader in research - what they do, why they did it '(1990a year: 3). Leaders are still fascinated scholars and the general public. However, the terms of the leadership, means different things to different people. Different definition of leadership, in the leadership, personality traits, influence relationships, cognitive and emotional orientation, individual and group orientation, and called for the focus of self-respect and collective interests. Definitions vary, whether the nature of their largely descriptive or normative, and they (Den Hartog, Koopman, Henry, Wilderom, Maczynski & Jarmuz, 1997) behavior relative importance. Sometimes, leadership is different from the management (Angel, 1995, 414), the management role of the figures. Bryman (1992) pointed out that the definition of most of the emphasis on the leadership of three main factors: group, influence, and goals. Table 9.1 provides a few examples of the definition of leadership.

Another way to view leadership is the leadership in different areas including the terms and conditions. Most of the methods of leadership, the leader of the center, However, we can distinguish between the leaders, followers, led the field of relationships. In all three areas of analysis (i.e., individual, pairs, groups or large groups) can be different levels of investigation (for example, Yammarino and Bass, 1991) focus. According to Graen and Ur - Edge (1995), leadership behavior and characteristics, the effect is in the leadership of the domain of major concern. A follower of the practice will lead to features such as followers, behavior and ideas, or as authorized (e.g., Holland, 1992; Meindl, 1990) focusing on thematic issues on the assumption that the followers. A relationship-based model to leaders and followers of research and theory building as the starting point of the relationship, Concern is the interaction and development ...
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