Case Study - Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders

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Case Study - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Case Study - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders


A 33 year old female working as an interior designer by profession, she is seeing a traditional therapist overcome her psychological issues and have seen some positive results. She is also obese due to an eating disorder and is also following a regimen to lose weight but still she needs to lose more weight. She is single and facing problems in getting along with her boss also.


Weight gain, brittle hair and nails which further makes her look dull, socially inactive and

indolent, problems in getting into a friendly relationship or commitment Multi-axial Assessment

Axis I: Clinical Disorders

(313.0) Disorders typically first diagnosed in infancy, childhood or adolescence

(293.9) Mental disorders due to general medical condition

(296.90) Mood disorders

(300.00) Anxiety disorders

(307.50) Eating disorder

(327.01) Sleep disorders

(309.0) Adjustment disorders

Axis II: Developmental Disorders & Personality Disorders

Personality disorders can be the clinical manifestation which leave more long lasting symptoms as the way an individual interact with the world, such as antisocial and borderline personality disorder

Axis III: General Medical Conditions

Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Axis IV: Psychosocial and environmental problems

Problems related to the social environment- inadequate social support, living alone

Occupational problems- threat of job loss, stressful work schedule, difficult work conditions, discord with the boss or co-workers

(Source: Diagnostic And Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th Edition, 2000)

Rationale for Diagnosis

The client is suffering from adjustment disorder as all the disorders which comes under

this category is related to the factors which causes difficulty in life adjustment normally requires considerations of the circumstances. The recovery period can extend from months up to years to feel normal again, and if the adjustment causes marked problems for over an extended period of time than it is considered to be an adjustment disorder. There is no fix criterion for orders in this category as each one can present themselves quite differently. They main diagnostic criteria would be identifying the issue which causes the adjustment disorder and symptoms which are closely associated with the disorder. In this case, the client is most likely to face adjustment disorder with anxiety, depressed mood, and disturbance of conduct and mixed with disturbance of emotions and conduct (

Anxiety disorder catalogue most of the disorders where the primary feature is inappropriate

or abnormal anxiety. It is very common that everyone suffers from anxiety either it is from fear and fright that comes from loud noise or feelings that reside inside your body. The symptoms are increased heart rate, stiff and tensed muscle causing muscular fatigue. If the diagnosis rules out medical causes than one of the main reason for the mentioned problems in anxiety. In this case, the client might be underwent acute stress disorder of generalized anxiety disorder (

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