Substance Abuse Disorder Counselling in Young Women Especially For Stimulants
Studies highlighting to the remedy of dually identified purchasers report that the need of integrated mental wellbeing and matter misuse remedy and the need of befitting lodgings and aftercare are foremost pitfalls to thriving treatment. This study accounts on an effort to determination these difficulties by integrating residential and outpatient aftercare and treatment. Various events have been conceived in which women clients' advancement through distinct grades of residential remedy, encompassing unaligned dwelling, while being pursued by one outpatient multidisciplinary team. Mental sickness and matter misuse difficulties are treated simultaneously and with identical significance, with focus on long-term remedy and care. This remedy takes location inside a residential community. Cases of three juvenile women showing this form are presented.Introduction
Recent studies addressing the group of clients with both mental illness and alcohol/substance abuse disorders, known by the term "dual diagnosis," agree that there are many barriers to successful treatment (Drake, Osher, & Wallach 1991, 1149-1158). This preliminary report describes a comprehensive and integrated treatment programme designed for dually diagnosed clients that is located within one neighbourhood in a community. The programme has been created through the affiliation of two residential programmes, an outpatient mental health and substance abuse clinic, an aftercare programme, and a sober housing agency. These integrated services provide complete care from inpatient treatment through independent living, all under the coordination of one clinical and administrative case management team.
Topic and Rationale
For this study I have selected young women especially stimulants to find out that effective counselling can really help them in the treatment of substance abuse. Three case studies of young women have been taken and their treatment programmes are also discussed in details.
Drawbacks and Needs in Treatment of Dually Diagnosed Young Women
The working definition of a dually diagnosed client, used in this report and elsewhere (Brown, Ridgely, Pepper, Levine, & Ryglewicz, 1989; Evans & Sullivan, 1990), is of individuals who meet the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, third edition, revised (DSM-III-R; APA, 1987) criteria for an Axis I mental disorder and/or Axis II personality disorder. These clients also meet the criteria for Axis I psychoactive substance use disorders, excluding nicotine dependence.
Research has suggested that rates of recovery for this group of clients are lower than that of clients who meet the criteria for mental disorders or substance use disorders alone. This is measured, for example, by observing the number of readmissions to psychiatric hospitals (Kivlahan, Heiman, Wright, Mundt, & Shupe, 1991). A review of the literature reveals that major pitfalls to recovery for these young clients usually involve unsuccessful integration of mental health and addiction assessment and treatment (Brown et al., 1989; Kaminer & Frances, 1991; Leon, 1991; McCarthy, Argeriou, Huerbner, & Lubran, 1991; Norris & Naegle, 1990; Ojehagen, Berlund, Appel, Nilsson, & Skjaevris, 1991) and problems with case management, aftercare, and housing (Drake et al., 1991; DeLeon, 1991; McCarthy et al., 1991; White & Shields, 1991).
Over the past several years, more attention seems to ...