Case Study Analysis Chel

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Case Study Analysis CHEL

Case Study Cromer Holiday Experience Ltd (CHEL)


CHEL offers a chance to students to discover themselves by performing adventurous activities ranging from rock-climbing and abseiling to wind-surfing and canoeing. Though Ann and bill both were qualified and specialized to instruct and supervise all the activities company offers, these activities surely pose some degree of risk for students and can potentially affect them especially in the form of physical injury as most of the time students are just beginners in these kinds of activities. Sometimes young and enthusiast students tend to cross the lines to quench the thirst of their adventure. That's risky for students as well as for the CHEL.

In April this year, Ann and Bill booked an Easter holiday of 3-day residential course for 20 students and 2 members of staff from North Norfolk Technical College. Dot, one of the staff members, who also happened to be a great friend of Ann and Bill was also going. She was asthmatic that's why her doctors had restricted her in the type of activities she could take on.

First day when the party from the college arrived at Cromer was a beautiful sunny one and weather showed signs that looked promising for a beneficial and successful few days. Dot also took part in the activity of wind-surfing along with students but got fainted and had to lie down on the jetty. Ann and Bill were not aware about Dot's Asthma before. Dot eventually confided in them and told them that she is having this problem but at the same time assured them that she is going to be fine and can perform every activity without any problem as long as she has an excess to her inhaler. Ann and Bill should have alarmed as Asthma is related to breath and performing these activities involves a lot of strength and breath.

It's clearly a sheer negligence on their part that she left them eventually. They both should have asked Dot not to take part in activity after learning about her Asthma. But they not even allowed her, but gave other students in her supervision which doubled the chances of any unfavorable incident as students performs these activities in constant supervision of their trainer, what if Asthma stroke in during any activity? (Miller & Frederic, 2010, Pp.70).

On second day in the morning, temperature dropped and sky became cloudy. Strong winds replaced the calmness of the environment. Ann possessed a good knowledge and a feel for local weather and can make better predictions than professional meteorologists just by listening to shipping forecast as well as local radio.

She tuned to radio as well as shipping forecast and learned that it's quite gloomy. One of the local radio broadcasters advised to call off any avoidable activities around the coast of Norfolk. The early morning sunshine gave way to cloudy skies and a drop in temperature, and the calmness was replaced by some quite strong ...
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