Case Study Analysis

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Case Study analysis

Case Study analysis

SWOT Analysis of Qantas


SWOT analysis is considered essential for the businesses and organizations in order to execute their strategic planning efficiently. The business managers or executives get a clear idea about Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that associate to a particular project or venture (Investopedia, 2012).

This part of the assignment presents the SWOT analysis for the leading Airline Qantas. This analysis will help the executives and decisions makers of the airline, in analyzing the business, working environment and available resources for the company. The managers will be able to discover that how they can compete in better ways, as SWOT analysis will conclude that what the competitors do better than themselves. In addition, the analysis will highlight the available opportunities, and whether or not the business is making the most of those opportunities. Also, the managers would be helped in their decision making process, as the analysis would reveal the methods using which they should respond to the changes occurring in the external or internal environment.

About Qantas

Qantas is a leading and national airline of the Australia, and operates both domestic and international flights. The head office of Qantas Airways is located at Sydney, and the company acquires nearly 65% share of domestic market of Australia. The airline enjoys the competitive advantage by having the general public perspective that the flight offers comfortable and cost effective journey.

Next, the SWOT analysis for the airline is presented.

SWOT Analysis


Recognition and Experience

The major strength for the Qantas Airways is globally recognized brand name and logo. Being the oldest airline of the country, Qantas enjoys the greatest experience in technology, operations and services.

Range of Operation

The Airline has extensive network. The international flights operate in the wide ranges of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. The airline always works to find out the new routes which would help them in extending their network of operation further.

Locations and Facilities

The airline offices are located at busy airports, and offer best facilities and quality services to the passengers. For example, luxurious environment and entertainment facilities are provided in all the classes of the flight, including economy class. The airline offers in-flight internet service; also, there is LCD screen installed for every seat (Tayeh, 2006). The cabin system is provided in different categories that correspond to all the classes, first, business, premium economy and economy.

Environment Friendliness

The flight considers all the contemporary issues during the operations that could cause harm to the environment. The airline operates on the principles and technologies that should help in attaining the green environment.


The airline has the best safety record; it has probably made the example of best safety, as not a single death is reported as a result of some crash or accident of the Qantas flight. Also, the airline assures the safety commitment through a formal customer charter. The airlines ensure timely departure, arrival and all possible help in case of any mishap. The airline also ensures the ethical security of passenger's records and ...
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