Case Analysis

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Case Analysis: COPD Risks and Treatments

Case Analysis: COPD Risks and Treatments


This essay talks about variegated aspects of COPD. This paper talks about the person at risk of COPD and measures that can be taken to improve the condition of a patient suffering from COPD are discussed in the context of a given case.

The Case

The case is about Mr. L, a 55-year-old bartender. He was diagnosed as having COPD 7 years ago. He finds difficult to walk three blocks to get to work. His manger has also expressed concern about the effect Mr. L.'s continuous coughing has on customers.

Feasibility for Mr. L to Continue Work as a Bartender

Mr. L should discontinue work as a bartender. The main reason to support this notion is that this is not the way in which he can make an attempt to improve his health. If he would continue working as a bartender, he would be indulged in which would be harmful for his health.

Factors to Consider for Mr. L to Remain in his Current Line of Employment

The positive and negative factors for Mr. L to be in the current line of employment are as follows:

Positive Factors

Positive factors are those that would aid Mr. L to help fight him his disease if he continues to work at the bar. These positive factors are as follows:

Pressure from Manager

Mr. L's manager has shown his concern regarding coughing habit of Mr. L on the customers of bartender. The medical history of Mr. L shows that he is been suffering from the diseases from seven years. This implies that if he has not done anything yet about his health it would be difficult for him to take any steps to improve his health. This can only be done through pressure from someone who is senior and respectable. So, if Mr. L continues to work there then there is the possibility that he may take some measures out of embarrassment or due to pressure from his manager.

Negative Pressure

Negative factors are those that would be harmful for Mr. L to help fight him his disease if he continues to work at the bar. These negative factors are as follows:

Walking Three Blocks

Walking is good for patients of COPD. Regular walk helps the patient in improving the ability to utilize oxygen. Doctors and medical practitioners perform a 6 minutes walking test for such patients. If they walk for 6 minutes ...
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