Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

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Moral issues:3


Moral Rights:4






Microfinance for Maximum Returns8



Case Analysis


Triodos Bank is a social bank lending only to organisations and businesses with social and environmental objectives. Triodos Bank is well known for its innovative and transparent approach to banking. Savers at Triodos Bank know where their money is working. In 2001 the balance sheet totalled 461.841 GBP.


Triodos Bank is a European bank registered in The Netherlands. The Bank has three branch offices: in Zeist, The Netherlands, in Bristol, uk and Brussels, Belgium.Triodos Bank nv is a Dutch public limited company ('Naamloze Vennootschap ').Triodos Bank

is not listed on any stock exchange. To preserve the identity and the independence of the Bank, all our shares are held in trust by the 'Stichting Administratiekantoor Aandelen Triodos Bank ('saat '),a special Trust under Dutch legislation. The saat issues depository receipts for Triodos Bank shares to the public.6,421 investors hold these receipts. Almost 44%of the priority

Receipts are held by 15 financial institutions, investment trusts and pension funds, the Remaining 56%by private individuals. No depository receipt holder may hold more

Than 7.5%of the Bank 's issued capital. Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting are exercised by the saat .The members of the saat Board are appointed by the General Assembly of depository receipt holders following a proposal by the Board of saat and with the Bank 's Management Board approval. The voting rights of each depository receipt holder in the General Assembly is restricted to (a maximum of) 1,000 votes.

Triodos Holding NV is a sister company of Triodos Bank, legally separate but organisationally integrated (see the Triodos group structure on page 74 and 75). Shareholders and savers play a vital role in making Triodos Bank an instrument for a positive change in society. When money is deposited with Triodos Bank, innovative enterprises can develop, community project can be helped and environmental initiatives like wind energy can be funded.



Triodos annual report follows the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) measuring social and environmental performance in its Annual Accounts.

In their mission Triodos Bank 'seeks to contribute to a more people-orientated society ¡Von which respects people, the environment and culture'. Their main customers are enterprises, which add social, environmental and cultural value.

In their strategy transparency, socially responsible business and sustainable banking are seen as key parts of how socially responsible 'globalisation' can take place. Discussion with stakeholders will be actively engaged.

Their banking activities include loans, fund management, private banking, sharing issues and insurance brokerage opportunities.

Triodos Bank is committed to provide space for co-workers to develop. They provide genuine personal and professional growth opportunities. There is an equal numbers of men and women working at Triodos Bank, they seek to encourage women to take up management positions.

In all their communication material Triodos expresses their ethical culture and background. In their mission they mention to seek to contribute to a more people-orientated society. The claim to bring substances to ethical and social banking.

Moral issues:

A bank will still make a profit on lending money is this general right? How can ...
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