Case Analysis

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Statement of the Problem

The study is relate to the Treetop which was facing no issues in the past regarding the packaging of the products, but from the past few years, it has been observed that the output or the productivity of the packaging department is relatively less as compare to the other departments due to which the stock is getting piled up due to which the productivity is declining.

Analysis and Evaluation

In relation to the problem that is the efficiency and the productivity of the packaging of the products, Treetop is facing issues regarding their employees. The employees of Treetop are not paying attention towards their job description due to reason that the management have taken a step for increasing the productivity of the packaging department that is by increasing the added Saturday overtime shifts as well as extra hours before and after the regular shifts for the packaging department employees to process the backlog piled up. According to the past studies it is observed and proved that the organizational behaviors are influenced by various factors. However, according to new studies where the environment of the organization and also the business environment have changed, have made a significant impact on the organizational behavior. The approaches that include human relations approach, systems approach and the contingency approaches are considered as the modern tactics which help the organizations in resolving the problems that are arising due to the changing environment of the modern day business. (Andrews, 1971) Moreover, the organizational strategy is a systemic concept, made up of essential parts which are independently distinguishable but which together forms a new and better strategy which ultimately affect the whole organization in terms of efficiency and effectiveness of the organizational productivity. (Porter, 2008)

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