Case Analysis

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Case Analysis

Case Analysis


Maiorino, Fred was one of the Schering-Plough sales representatives beginning, but now he was 63 years old, and she refused his company's "early out package. Earlier in his career, he settled in his sales territory of Southern New Jersey, which included the capital of Trenton when making a good life and winning numerous prizes productivity.


Leaders can create and maintain a culture of good by setting examples. If employees see leaders work hard, carry out excellent work ethic and keep a positive outlook then they begin to imitate them in turn, create and maintain a good culture. Other way managers can maintain a good culture, not a disciplinary his or her employees in a negative sense, (Humphreys 2003) as shouting, or threatening them. Employees must learn from their mistakes, and it is up to the leader to tell them what they did wrong and explain to them how they can avoid future mistakes. These examples can be used to create and still healthy and influential institutional traditions.

It's up to leaders within the company to maintain and develop this culture. Leadership and management styles are shown to be able to link the various styles for each of these decades. Four main types of functions as it should: Autocratic leaders believe that leaders should tell all employees, as well as what to do, as a dictatorship (Blanchard Hersey and Blanchard 1996). There is not any area for feedback from the staff of the style of a manager will not know if there are problems.

This method can be good if there are serious manager, but if you do not have enough strong leaders, there can be some problems with it. The advantages of this style are that decisions are made very quickly, and it can be very important, if something critical happens. The disadvantage is that employee motivation and confidence may suffer if they do not have the right to vote in what is happening in the company.

In democratic governance manager will discuss with the employees that the company should do, and include them in decision-making process, although the final choice lies with the manager continued. This method can be very good, as there is excellent deals contribution from all different departments in the organization. The advantage of this style is that staff will be more motivated because they have more control in the company. The disadvantage of this style ...
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