Case 4.4: “a New Work Ethic?”

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Case 4.4: “A New Work Ethic?”

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Case 4.4: “A New Work Ethic?”


James Sheehy stated that these days the attitudes of the young employees towards his/her job is getting worse. The work ethics, which is described by Sheehy, identified the loop holes found in the upbringing of our generation that they are incompetent and are just working in order to maximize their earning by using all illegal ways like stealing etc. which was a common crime depicted in the case study. The college students feel that “scamming” was the ideal way. They would be taking shortcuts, not putting much effort into their work, and by delegating their work to someone else. They felt that they would only put that time and effort into that big job that they were holding out for. They were basically saying that this job is a means to an end for right now. In my experience of call center environment, I have observed the same that the younger generation is just looking for earning more and more money regardless of the ways they adopt for earning it. Young generation is moving towards getting jobs beside their uncompleted education.


The work ethics of future American business as described by James Sheehy is based on the employee survey. This states that the major portions of the American businesses are running under the supervision of college students who are only focused on how to get the work done with no work ethics approach. According to Sheehy's belief these college student in reality believe that the way they are going is a necessity and it will lead them to victory. The attitude of the young generation is to get a big job with no additional requirements in terms of education, behaviour or ethics. He says that there is a generation of employees who feel frightened from new work ethics, which is linked with impractical work expectations, lack of sympathy to service and quality and take as much money as you can by all means. These are those workers who still have sense of responsibility towards the society.

The way Sheehy implicated the work ethics in the work environment can limit the extension of American business. As the workers are harassed and dominated by their seniors to do what they want them to do. Companies with good reputation require hard working and self motivated and devoted ...
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