New Work Ethic

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New Work Ethic

New Work Ethic

1. Describe how typical the attitudes that Sheehy reports appear to be in work environments you have experienced.

According to Sheehy the typical attitude Sheehy has reported about employees in work environment, suggest that most of them are college students or teenagers, working hard for earning some extra money. These are considered as generation of frightening and new work ethics. The general agreement regarding work ethic is that one should do anything, in order to get away from the kind of attitude they he or she might require. It is important to set task or target for employees, as they should consider their work as a mental job rather than looking at it as a career, because perception of considering work as a mental job is provide the understanding the working is only for earning some extra cash. Whereas, customer service skills are considered, it is highlighted by getting rid of customer as quick as possible; I think this understanding of dealing with customers as quickly as possible result in poor quality of business services. I will highlight my experience, and identify the typical attitudes of workplace described by Sheehy. During my experience of workplace I have noticed that many young employees could not tolerate any kind of constructive criticism. I observed that many housewives and young people were looking for a part time work, as they had many other responsibilities with them to execute it. During working hours lunch break was given for around forty five minutes; which was delayed by the workers. (Auditing Practices Board 2008) I identified that when customer use to place any complaint an unprofessionalism was shown to customer, Employee do not respond to the customer properly if their working hour ended. In my view, work place ethic of my organization was not good and I believe it was deficient; reason behind this is lack of experience. Many employees ignore their position importance as they did not consider it as a long term career. I think my organization was missing two core functions including long working hours and hard work, commitment to these two functions are important in maintaining the proper work ethics in an organization.

2. Explain the implications of the work ethic Sheehy describes for the future of American business.

Sheehy identified that proper job training and development can help in improving the future American businesses. With the help of job training organization ...
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