Career And Technical Education

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Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education


Career and Technical Education (Vocational education) focused on the theoretical and practical preparation for the practice of professions, for which a qualifying professional training is required or useful. It also promotes the general vocational education and personal development of students and contributes to the social functioning. The vocational education offers in relation to the professional world and its businesses (Gordon, 2002). After the third, students prepare a Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) in two years or a bachelor's degree in three years professional. A second professional is created. The second class of certain specialties is attached to professional fields. The professional studies certificate (BEP) is an intermediate diploma. The career path can acquire knowledge and skills in a professional field.

Vocational education is designed to prepare individuals for professional careers in accordance with one's vocation, with regard to social needs and provides them to acquire professional knowledge and skills required for the qualification of workers and employees.


Vocational education is based on a common core or special education, general secondary education. Vocational and technical education on the basis of general basic education can be performed without general secondary education, as well as with general secondary education.

The institutions of vocational education are vocational schools and vocational colleges. Vocational colleges provide vocational-technical, secondary and integrated with vocational secondary education.

In the system of vocational education operate 217 educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education, including 37 professional schools, 111 vocational schools, 69 vocational colleges. The vocational education allows insertion into the workforce or further study in higher technical section (Gordon, 2002).

The BEP is an intermediate diploma presented during the courses leading to vocational baccalaureate. It provides specialized character education in a number of careers or professions of high school. Graduates are in demand in the industry, production, health care, trade, administration, communications, and so on. At the end of these studies get professional technician certificate or, the Technical Professional certificate and letter of intern, then choose an option titling and get the title and the specialty card with due registration with the General Secretariat Professions Education.

The new career technical programs and course sequences are intended to prepare students for both college and careers in order for students to have more options after high school graduation. Students can go to a two-year or four-year college and then work, work full-time and then go to college, or continue their education while working. The reform in career technical education attempts to lower the barriers between career and technical and academic curricula and have students follow a rigorous sequence of both academic and career technical courses called dual concentration.

Part of the academic sequence would increase the number of math and science courses taken by career technical concentrators, which in turn would reduce the time available for elective courses, including CTE. A study by American College Testing (2006) provides evidence that high school students need to be educated to a comparable level of readiness in reading ...
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