Cancer Treatment Assessment

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Care Treatment Assessment



Assessment Begins2


History of Information and Assessment Inclinations2

Physical safety3

Social and Occupational Security3

Psychological Security4

Spiritual Soundness4

Post-assessment Measures4




“Holistic Common Assessment of Supportive and Palliative Care Needs for Adults with Cancer” serves as a complete guide to help the concerning bodies concentrate on a patient treatment and his needs. Treatment is not enough if it misses the follow ups, emotional and financial support for continuation. This approach suggests a structured procedure to handle a patient (NICE, 2004). It begins from the moment of diagnosis, initiation of treatment, conclusion of the key treatment plan, new incident of disease reappearance, identifying incurability, and commencement of termination of life, identifying time of death, patient's request and doctors' requests. The team of doctors must ensure the assessment at the needed times (Grant et al, 2008, pp.55-167). Each patient should get separate responsible holder who also marks on the team. The holistic assessment teams assign a certain team member to every patient who may conduct an assessment at any key point (Ludlow, 2008, pp.38-105).


Our patient Linda is 55 year old and has two daughters. Almost 6 months back she discovered a lump in her breast. Her sittings with the physician and further reports confirmed the possibility of breast cancer. Linda is a single mother who lives on rent and does not have wealthy background. She was clearly unable to afford the whole procedure of cancer treatment. To solve the problem, the hospital conducted holistic assessment of the supportive and palliative care need of adults with cancer (Tarbo et al, 2005, pp.65-185). She needed care and support for the course of treatment since her two daughters were living in other states. The hospital decided to follow all the mentioned steps of the holistic assessment to bring managers and practitioners together in helping the patient (Tobias and Hochhauser, 2010, pp.14-175).

Assessment Begins

The holistic assessment teams assigned James Ron as Linda's assessor. He has clinical knowledge about the symptoms and treatment of breast cancer. He also has an access to the latest information about regional service sources and referral standards. He decided to communicate with Linda on Skype whenever she is not visiting the hospital (Tobias and Hochhauser, 2010, pp.14-175).


Ron gave an assessment sheets to Linda to answer the question in no more than 30 minutes. It is not an exam time but this assessment is significant in formulating the care needs of the patient. It had five domains: History of information and assessment inclinations, physical requirements, social and job-related requirements, psychological safety and spiritual security. A few of the domain had interlinked causal effects. Linda was never married but had two daughters to raise. This distorted her financially as well as mentally (NICE, 2004).

History of Information and Assessment Inclinations

Under this section, Linda had to answer maximum question about her family background, ethnicity, habits and many more. In the sub domain which is an assessment of information and inclination or preferences (Shaw, 2011, pp.130-195). Ron had to gauge the ability of Linda to communicate effectively and suggest some alternate ...
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