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Health Psychology

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Health Psychology


It is interestingly to see as though even a pivotal issue life health gets ignored by the common person, when it is the most valuable assets a person owns. Throughout the life a person strives hard to preserve things that will be of assistance to him/her for spending a better, enjoyable and tension free life, but ignores or pays considerably less heed towards an aspect, absence of which, can play a massive role in diminishing the relishing essence of other valuable possessions, i.e. health. If a person is not enjoying perfect health, or embarks on a bitter path of life, where he falls prey of an adverse health condition, then all the money, all the assets, for which he had been striving hard throughout his life seem to be trivial, and the colors of life appear to be rather bleak (Mdzinarishvili, 2009, p183).

It will be rather harsh to state that In most of the instances, a person deliberately tends to give significance to other matters of life, rather than his/her health; usually a person is unaware of certain illnesses or acknowledgement of the symptoms that may lead to a disease. Therefore, it is highly imperative that certain measures are adopted at even the state level for the common population of the society, to render them adequate information and education regarding their health, how can it be preserved and the manners in which they can safeguard themselves from some of the most detrimental diseases (Little, 2009, p1). Therefore, this paper strives to critically analyse the endeavours set forth, for the health promotion regarding the cervical cancer.

Health Promotion

Before assimilating the manners in which the common population of England is being rendered awareness regarding the approaches for evading themselves from the detrimental aspects of the critical disease, it is highly imperative that the key comprehension of the facet of health promotion is attained, coupled with its underlying connotations. If the term is analysed from the perspective of a naïve mind, then it denotes the act of promoting the prime features of a blissful health that can be relished by a common person; for a naive mind, health promotion basically pertains to educating the common people about certain diseases, their symptoms, and the manners in which a person can maintain healthy lifestyle to evade certain diseases (Duhau, 2008, p109).

However, if a cognitive mind tends to ponder over the specifications of the health promotions, then it will be deemed over him that health education or promotion is an imperative approach and an integral constituent of the social development. Moreover, it is believed to be a fundamental and essential tool of the psycho education that plays a significant role in encouraging, as well as addressing the vital issues of that are critical in causing the imbalance or disproportion in health, and also to urge and advocate the individuals belonging to all kind of communities for making better and beneficial heath choices and living, relishing and leading a healthy life ...
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