Can Gay Couple Be A Good Role Model Parents?

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Can Gay Couple be a Good Role Model Parents?


The issue of same sex or gay couple has become a widely discussed topic in various circles. Some researchers claim that gay couple has limited skills to become parent and meet the requirements of family system theory. However, latest research reveals that gay couple can equally raise children as the traditional parents. This paper aims to discuss the family model, gay parenting and children of gay parents.




Family and the Family Systems Theory4

The Gay Couple Parenting5

Children of Gay Couple6



Can Gay Couple be a Good Role Model Parents?


No one can deny the fact that marriage is a social contract and a reunion of two individuals where love is the core ingredient of this contract (Blankenhorn, 2007). Similarly, in today's modern society importance of sexual orientation is not necessary in this matter as social contract of marriage allows to choose partner of own choice. The issue of parenting by same sex parents in the country is not as simple as one can imagine. In fact, the debate of gay couple parenting has received a widespread attention from various social, literary, human rights and legal circles where each group presents their ideas in favor or against same sex marriages (Gerstmann, 2008). There are various opinions about the issue of gay couple parenting where some people give arguments against it, while some believe that gay couple can raise children as effective as traditional couple (Bray & Stanton, 2012).


Family and Parenting Theory

The family is defined as a natural and fundamental group or unit of society that is entitled to protection by society and the State. It is important to discuss that a family is usually recognized by the ties of affinity derived from the establishment of a connection of two people. This social connection is recognized as the marriage, which allows the union between two people with the bonds of kinship (Hoffman & Carmack, 2011). This suggests that a family contains the ties between parents and children and also develop ties between brother and sisters of same father. In addition, a family can also differentiate by degree of kinship among its members.

No doubt, there is no consensus on the definition of the family, but it is legally defined by certain laws, and this definition is usually given in terms of what each law states as marriage. Further, it is also essential to point out that the forms of family life are very different as family forms depend on social, cultural, economic and emotional factors. It is also a fact that the family, like any social institution, tends to adapt to the context of a society (Engels & Hunt, 2010). This explains, for example, the high number of extended families in traditional societies, the rise of single-parent families in industrialized societies as well as the legal recognition of homo families in societies that are recognized as gay marriage by law.

The family systems theory is based on the general system ...
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