Personality Psychology

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Personality Psychology

Personality Psychology


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten and discuss the concepts of marriage and family counseling in holistic manner. This paper also focuses on the methods, procedures and tactics involved in family counseling to help the family recover the familial issues in accordance with the case. Counseling is the psychology of individuals through the use of standard methods, such as historical data collected cases, the use of various techniques of personal interviews and testing interests and aptitudes of professional guidance. The goal of counselors the opportunity to the East generally, the best guarantee of his personal needs and desire to achieve personal. Counselors often try to clarify the customer's own thought, not to solve his problem. Professional counselors (such as education and vocational guidance counselors) and counseling psychologists (such as marriage and bereavement counseling) were found in a variety of institutional arrangements and in private practice.

Counseling is an informal knowledge dissemination, social capital and the work of social psychological support, vocational or professional development process of the recipient perception; guidance need informal communication, usually face to face, and the duration of the time, who is considered among the Have greater knowledge, wisdom, or experience (mentor) and who is considered to be a small number of all (the disciples), At times counselors may face situations where they want to help the client but some aspects of the client's situation are completely against what the counselor believes to be right or wrong. The goal of a Christian counselor is to address the issue at hand while maintaining Biblical and Christian integrity. In this paper, I will incorporate Biblical principles into the counseling of a teenage child of a same sexed couple; explain the approach to counseling and the possible solutions for questions about his biological parents. I will also list questions I would ask the family to gain additional information that I feel would be helpful to the case as well as possible interventions to help the teen and his parents. Finally, I will discuss my personal views on homosexual relationships and how my views may affect the services I provide in counseling.

Client Background

Devin, 16 years old, was adopted as an infant by a same sex couple. Both of Devin's fathers have been very involved in his life and have been positive role models to him. Devin has been described as a well-behaved child for most of life until the last year or two when he has questioned who his biological parents are and has become increasingly defiant at home. He has started to fail his classes after being an A-B student, he is no longer interested in any extracurricular activities, he regularly comes home past curfew, and has started to experiment with illicit drugs (i.e. alcohol and marijuana), Additionally, Devin has become verbally abusive, disrespectful and uses gay slurs toward his parents.

My Approach

Because this is a highly grey area, many Biblical principles are present. The Bible clearly states that a child should honor and obey his mother and ...
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