Business To Business Marketing

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Business to Business Marketing

Business to Business Marketing and Consumer Marketing


Recall that the industrial or B2B Marketing (Business to Business) is a discipline that is used when your end customer is a business and not an individual, in which case it is B2C Marketing, Business to consumer. B2B marketing has many features which give it a certain complexity for firms specializing in B2C.

Marketing B2B (business to business) refers to the sale of business to business-to-business marketing as opposed to B2C (business to costumer) addressed to individuals. B2B marketing time was almost nonexistent. Recent years, relations between professionals have adapted all marketing tools. A common motto: Know your client the same way that seeks to B2C segment its customers to identify target groups, B2B had to learn not to identify groups, but to know customers. With a top constraint: the marketing directed at consumers can tolerate a reasonable margin of error (Karimov, 2011). In B2B, the seller has the right to much less error; the market for institutional clients is much smaller: Losing a customer is much more problematic B2B and B2C. It is not here to segment its customers, but to know them all.

Just as in B2C, the product is considered in its broadest sense; it can be tangible (well, physical object) or intangible (business services).

Differences between B2B and B2C Marketing

The basic principles of marketing products for business and consumer are alike. We have all been taught four Ps of marketing, certainly product, price, place, and promotion. Of course, I'm not going to undermine the foundations of marketing and say that now it's all you need to forget, of course not. These are basic principles apply to both consumer and business, but there are important differences that are changing our understanding of product marketing for business.

Making in B2B Marketing and Advertising

When we are announcing our service or product in the B2B market we focus on the logic of the solution. To achieve this, we can speak of product characteristics. In these cases, there is little emotional motivation when deciding on one product over another. We need to focus on the knowledge they have clients that are organizations and how to manage procurement within the organization. The B2B market is thirsty for knowledge and is characterized by quality information seekers. Then we go deeper into the materials and texts we use to announce. The most efficient concepts to handle this kind of advertising and marketing focus on how your product or service saves time, money, or earns money. The B2B industry is based on the logic behind their product. The people in charge of deciding on purchases will want to hear how your product can save hours of work, expenses or resources.

High Risk of the Buyer

Buyer businessman risked much more than the buyer consumer. What if the machine does not work as it should, if the newly assembled production line will be "thread" drive marriage? What happens if the machine breaks down at the worst possible moment ...
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