Business To Business Marketing

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Business to Business Marketing

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction to the Company3

1.1Company Background3

1.2The Marketing and Advertising Sector4

2.0 Marketing Mix4


2.2 Price5

2.3 Place6


2.4.1Social Media7

2.5 Segmentation8

2.6 Targeting8

2.7 Positioning8

3.0 Relationship Variables and Business Networks9

4.0 Structuring the Sales force11

5.0 Conclusion13


Business to Business Marketing

1.0 Introduction to the Company

In 1998, the company by Dabis Thorpe and Angela Brown, was started, by the name of Triangle Creative Ltd (TCL). It is a UK based company that consists of 25 employees, and in the year 2010, the company have generated the total turn over of £10m and a gross profit of £700,000.

Company Background

The company is tending to be a respected and full service agency that is well established. The features that the company aims to deliver to its customers include full services that are online marketing, advertising, direct marketing, website development and public relations. The company has the wide customer base, which include a range of companies, like a local theme park, furniture retailer, university and garden centre. The company Triangle Creative Ltd (TCL) has over the years build a great reputation, and has been rialable in order to provide the reliable, efficient and friendly service. The company Triangle Creative Ltd (TCL), has been able to be reputed because of the word of mouth. Word of mouth is one of the most useful tools in creating good or bad rapport of an organization is through the word of mouth. In the context of professional credibility, as one cannot ignore the role of 'moments of truth' or individual customer's experiences, in the same manner, the role of word of mouth cannot be underestimated

1.2The Marketing and Advertising Sector

The industry itself has been watching out for many ups and downs, from past year it is facing difficulties. The downturn in the economy has meant that many of TCL's clients have reduced their marketing budget and have attempted to look for more cost effective ways of promoting their business. This has meant that TCL has had to work hard on both client retention as well as winning new business. In addition, another challenge facing the company is that the market is highly fragmented and made up of a large number of small and medium sized enterprises. TCL is competing with both locally based companies, and those that have extensive national networks. However, TCL prides itself on its ability to compete with other firms through its excellent customer service, and ability to deliver on clients' expectations.

2.0 Marketing Mix

Like most SME's, TCL has been badly affected by the economic downturn. Revenue is down by 25% on the previous year. Moreover, the company is finding it increasingly difficult to retain some of its more established clients. As mentioned, the priority for the company is customer retention, but at the same time it needs to continue to try and win new business. The group TCL should focus on providing the services of live radio stations for British retailers. The main marketing services of the company are bespoke radio provisioning, music and visual content and audio-visual ...
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