Business System Analysis

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Business System Analysis

Business System Analysis

Case Questions- Chapter 05

Question 1: What do you think are the sources of the information Jim and his team collected? How do you think they collected all of that information?

Interestingly there still are a few facets in the business arena that remain conventional, no matter how other patterns and specifications (of business) develop over time. Amongst those conventional modes or facets is the manner of collecting the information regarding a product, an event, or even a process. Since the primitive times, to the current era, the producers or the suppliers have relied on the preferences of the customers, and the information that is subtly or ostensibly revealed by them through their pattern of preferences. The customers are believed to be not only the most reliant source of information, but also the validated one. It is them, who are eventually needed to be catered, by the producers, which is why, they can enunciate in a better manner, as though what will and what will not grab their attention. Therefore, it can be articulated with sheer eloquence that amongst other prime sources of information that Jim and his team had, Customers were the main constituent of valuable information (Koomen & Pol, 1999).

The prime techniques via which Jim and his team collected the information were the astute observation of customers, based on their preferences, observations, past patterns, and changing buying behaviors'; such as the execution of JAD system, based on a three day session. This session enabled them to collect valuable information, such as the layout of the system, coupled with the navigation characteristics, system prototype, site and system web store management, and most importantly the inventory and customer information (Hoffer, et al., 2008).

Question 3: If you were looking for alternative approaches for Petrie's customer loyalty program, where would you look for information? Where would you start? How would you know when you were done?

The best area to search for such valuable information can be both subjective and objective. Based on the subjective part, for the Petrie's customer loyalty program, I shall first tend to accentuate on the major case studies of the big players of this industry that managed to excel on the turbo of customer loyalty. Based on the aspects of the customer loyalty program that those players followed, and which compliment the specifications of our business, we shall opt to import some of those tactics in our proposed strategies. Moreover, the need based analysis is the most effective tool to augment the efficacy of the customer loyalty program; based on the in-depth analysis of what drives customers needs and attention, our process may encompass the relevant magic. Such information will be obtained from surveys, observations of the buying behaviour of the customers, and as mentioned earlier, the need based analysis method. The starting point will be the subjective analysis, and the ending point will be the accumulation of the desired information via our devised strategies and their quantitative and qualitative analysis (Dennis, et ...
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