Business Proposal

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Business Proposal


M-mart is being established as a massive departmental store that is based on a unique concept. The store aims to offer consumers with convenience in shopping by offering them a wide range of products under one roof. Apart from this, the store will also comprise of an amusement area and a cafeteria. This establishment of departmental store is a link to the chain of investments that are being offered or allowed by the government for utilizing the human resource of the country in order to give the country an international standing among those countries where foreign investment is the first priority because of many benefits provided by that country.

The concept behind establishing of M-mart is to provide the people of Myanmar with such type of a departmental store that does not only provides a huge range of quality products but also serves as a multi-purpose departmental store covering some other areas under one roof that the local market may require. The reason for selecting Myanmar for this business venture is this that after the recent political and legal breakdown that resulted in some racism riots, the country is considered to be a much potential target market for not only establishing but also making a firm and rapid progress within the market with utilizing less time period.

Company's Overview

However, what will be unique about M-mart are not the characteristics mentioned above. When compared with the traditional stores, it will be launched as the country's first fully-automated 24-hour destination for shopping, food and amusement. With this unique concept, M-mart aims to capture a major share of the local market through its innovations concept (Schein, 2010). An important factor that the store aims to rely on in terms of achieving its goals of capturing a major share is by ensuring that the major costs and expenses of the business are kept at a minimum.

Focusing Strategically

The main area of focus of the store in this cost-cutting goal is labor. It is true that the store will not be established at a big enough scale to be able to compete with market leader like AmPm, 7-11 and Tes Mart, mainly because all these competitors have their chains spread across the US (Rogers, S. C. (2001). However, M-mart will make up for this handicap by maintaining its strategic focus on providing a completely automated shopping experience.

Through this, it will be able to provide its customers with the chance to purchase groceries and many other items at significantly reduced prices, thereby undercutting the negative impact of strong competition from major stores in the local market (Pahl & Richter, 2009). In addition to this, M-mart aims to expand its operations in order to widen its competitive moat by establishing its own chain of stores in other lucrative markets that are located nearby.

Business model and globalization

A business model helps in defining the organizations whole structure that ranges from the basic operations that the business is engaged in, the pros and cons of that business, evaluating potential market, competitors and risks ...
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