Business Project Management

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Business Project Management


Foundation in Contemporary Contexts

Unit Module

Unit B&H18

Learner Name

Assessor Name

Lilian Onuegbu

Date issued

05 March 2013

Hand in Date

31 May 2013

Submitted on

Internal Verification


By Whom

Vera Dearman

Date verified


Task 1 - Stages of the Project Life Cycle1

Project Details1

Purpose of the Project1

Aims and Objectives1

Project Life Cycle1

Stages of Project Life Cycle1

Project Management3

Project Management and Project Life Cycle Stages3

1.Project Initiation3

2.Project Planning4

3.Project Execution4

4.Project Closure5

Task 2 - Project Plan5

Project Plan for Opening Hijab Shop in London6

Stakeholders Involved and Their Needs6

Methods to Implement the Project6


Meeting the Timelines and Schedules7

Reaching Beyond the Target Market7

Monitoring Project Progress and Methods for Reviewing and Reporting of the Outcomes7

Purpose of the Monitoring Plan7

1.Progress Analysis8

2.Milestone Trend Analysis8

Problems in the Project9


Business Project Management

Task 1 - Stages of the Project Life Cycle

Project Details

Purpose of the Project

The project under discussion comprises of carrying out a venture of opening up an apparel shop in London. The apparel shop exclusively deals with the hijabs and headscarves. The purpose of venturing a shop dealing in hijabs and coverings for the ladies is to cater a large amount of diverse population, inhabitant in London.

Aims and Objectives

London serves host to a number of immigrants and tourists; tourists help make the brand advertise across countries and the host country benefits from the positive image tourists take of them. Therefore, the aim of this hijab shop is to cater the diversity and spread the image of London as a cosmopolitan city, accepting and catering all who inhabit it and visit it.

Project Life Cycle

The project is planned and carried out with preplanning and preparation for the coming events. To determine the events and to help the project planners plan their activities and know beforehand, about the stages or periods their projects should go through (

Stages of Project Life Cycle

There are four broad stages under which the whole life cycle of any project is generally defined (Archibald, n.d, pp. 4-5). They are:

Figure 1: Steps for Project Life Cycle

Initiation of the Project

The initiation of the project comprises of one of the core activities carried out in the establishment of the project. The hijab shop in London is a concept that needs proper and detailed conceptualization and planning. The project initiation phase for the hijab shop will also require exact and correct selection of the location for retail shop. Moreover, the initiation stage will also require the detailed outlining of the project and business case, requiring deciding and thinking of all the creative ideas that the project will entail. Planning and scheduling all the forthcoming events is also included in the project initiation.

Project Planning

The planning for hijab shop will require clear cut definition of the scope and aims of the project along with the confirmation and checks for feasibility. Project will also include stakeholders and their interest factor for which the planning phase will entail the development and designing for the prototype of the project and its projected quantification.

Project Execution

Subsequent to detailed and analysed planning and development, the project will enter the execution phase that holds as much importance as the preceding stages. Effective action plan is ...
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