Issues & Management Of Project Management In The Business & Service Option

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Issues & Management of Project Management in the business & service option

Issues & Management of Project Management in the business & service option

Project management methodologies, tools and techniques

A project is a temporal endeavour that is undertaken to achieve a specified objective. The project has a beginning and an ending in itself and it is completed when those objectives are met. A project's objective is to produce and deliver an output to the satisfaction of the executor, while being within the constraints agreed with the resources available. The project management approach is a framework for accomplishing project goals through a disciplined method of planning, controlling, and monitoring project activities. The four fundamental aspects of project management can be seen as the four basic processes of planning a project. This concerns the work done and its output (whether deliverable or not), the identity of resources their availability and use; costs; deadlines. The project is normally concerned with the structural, organizational, budgetary and operational aspects of the endeavour (Meredith, 2008).

According to Ntamere, (1995) a Project is a discrete package of investment or endeavour, policy measures and institutional and other activities designed to achieve an objective or set of objectives within a designated period and involving the commitment of resources. To Osuagwu, (1997) a project simply means a series of related activities with a goal, a beginning, and an end. Hemuka, in his wisdom, in an unpublished lecture, described a project as a form of investment or development which entails the injection of scarce resources, and other materials including land with the aim of realizing its latent potentials in the form of yield, or for satisfying other social or economic benefits (Allen, 2000, p. 3). A project is a term that defines any sequence of events or process which entails the putting together of different resources towards the attainment of a goal.

Strategic designing is a well controlled effort to make basic conclusions and activities that form and direct what an association is, what it does, and why it does it, with an aim on the future (Acclimatized from Bryson's Strategic Planning in Public and Non-profit Organizations). A phrase by phrase dissection of this delineation presents the key components that underlie the significance and achievement of a strategic designing process: The method is strategic because it engages organizing the best way to reply to the attenuating components of the organization's natural environment, if or not its attenuating components are renowned in advance; nonprofits often should reply to dynamic and even hostile environments. Being strategic, then, entails being clear about the organization's objectives, being cognizant of the organization's assets, and integrating both into being attentively responsive to a dynamic environment. The method is about designing because it engages intentionally setting goals (i.e., selecting a yearned future) and evolving a set about to accomplishing those goals (Steyn, 2001). 

The method is well controlled in that it calls for a certain alignment and convention to hold it concentrated and productive. The method raises a sequence of inquiries that assists ...
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