Business Process Integration

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Business Process Integration

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The Introduction of the Avon Company3

The Recent Credit Crunch and its Effects3

The Reasons behind the Change in Avon4

The Change Strategy and Change Process5

The Change Model Suitable for the Avon5

The Involvement of Stakeholders6

The Implementation of the Successful Strategy7


Business Process Integration


A sudden tightening of the conditions required to obtain a loan from the banks or a reduction in the general availability of credit or loans, is known as, credit crisis or credit squeeze or a credit crunch (Bernanke &, 1991). Because of the various factors, such as, competition change, technology change and economic change, in today's environment, change is something vital for every organization. The presentation of individuals and structure working in the organization and the organizational culture are the organizational behavior, so the behavior of the organization will ultimately be affected by the change in any factor, and in order to avoid failures at the strategic level, it is essential to manage these changes in systematic and appropriate manners.

In recent years, Avon the company for women, due to the fierce competition in the market with demands of high quality and cost efficiency, and the economic ups and downs in the past years have gone through the structural changes. Providing the range of products to fashion and beauty from cosmetics, Avon, is an American based cosmetic company that only have product portfolios for women (Klepacki, 2010). With more than 5 million representatives over the globe, the formation of the largest team of representatives is led by the unique distribution channels of the company, where the Avon representatives sell the products door to door instead of traditional products selling in shops.


The Introduction of the Avon Company

The Avon through representatives in over one hundred and forty countries across the world sells product and is an American distributor and manufacturer of personal care, household and beauty products. With six million representatives, it is the 2nd largest direct selling enterprise and the 5th largest beauty company in the world. The company brings beauty to the lives of women all over the world, with the word 'beauty', it means enabling a woman to get her first mammogram, providing an earnings opportunity so that she can support her family and finding the right lipstick shade for a customer. For Avon, Beauty is about women feeling and looking their best (Mattis, 2000). The company is about improving the lives of woman around the world and championing economic empowerment. To satisfy and understand the self-fulfillment, service and product needs of a woman is the vision of the company. Mark, Advance Techniques, Skin-So-Soft, ANEW and Avon Color are the well-recognized brand names of the company and products, like, home, fashion, fragrance, skincare and color cosmetics products are included in the company's product line.

The Recent Credit Crunch and its Effects

Comparable only to the famous depression of the year of 1930, the world economy has been undergoing economic slowdown in the magnitude, since the year of 2008. A financial crisis was precipitated in what has come to be known ...
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