Business Organisation And Policy

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Business Organisation and Policy

Business Organisation and Policy


Strategies are the means of achieving objectives or goals. Thus, strategic change means the change of vision, mission, and courses of actions to achieve those objectives. The strategic changes are usually adopted by organizations to align with the changing environment. The state of the firms and external environment affects the strategic change. Thus, organizations should adapt to the change accordingly. The external environment which provides the basis for opportunities or threats must be strategically assessed for the degree of change or shift to be measured. Therefore, many innovations provide the support for strategic change if implemented correctly.

The environment should be kept under constant review from strategic perspective. Innovations play an important role in the change followed by the advancements. However, there is no fast rule to comply with the environmental change or any particular strategy to choose. Organizations must keep a track of such shifts and react through intelligent programs and methods. The innovation is implemented for the purpose of enhancing the existing industry methods or entirely replacing the old systems with new compatible systems to improve the efficiency of value addition.

Innovations play an important role in shaping the strategic changes. The corporate planning demands innovation to direct new paths, recommendations, functions, format, and effects of the strategies guiding the organization towards its objectives. Corporate planning involves making strategic recommendations that are based on facts and analysis. This planning is controlled by the levels of management participating in the decision making corresponding to the environmental changes and developing the strategies.


Strategic changes are usually backed by the support of innovations to adapt to the changing environment and conform to the requirements of superior standards. Contrary to public belief, strategies and tactics bear certain points of parity distinctively. The student, in this case, failed to realize the notion of strategy and tactics. The concept of strategic planning is expressed in terms of objectives and tactics. Tactics are the components of strategic planning defined as the actions taken to carry out the strategies towards a mutual goal.

The student mistook the installation of new technology as the significant innovation to link with strategic change. This can be marked as tactical approach to leverage the efficiency of the supermarket rather than strategic change. The failure to understand and differentiate the prominent line between strategic change and tactical support operations resulted in the failure of the student in his assignment. He should consider the strategic change and environment demanding such change with the introduction of innovation. This is overseen by the student which resulted in the flaw in its understandings of the corporate planning and strategic changes corresponding to the environment.

Strategic planning is vital to the continued success of corporate business activities. Decisions are made to direct the organization and mission/visions are settled. Goals are defined by the management for the business to achieve by the collective effort. These goals should be realistic and accurately defined in order to be achievable ...
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