Business Management

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Business Management




Company Background4

Government Policies and Legislation5

Health and Safety law6

License law7

Equal Opportunities Law7

Employment law8

Smoking law8


Unfair Dismissal9

Other Legislation9

Flexibility for employees10

Dismissal & Disciplinary11

Strategic Management of the Company11





The aim of this report is to provide information regarding the impact of government policies and legislation on the local and international operations of McDonalds. It will also include the discussion regarding the strategic directions of the company on the basis of these local and international policies. The report will take into account various laws such as lenience law, health and safety law, equal opportunities law, discrimination law and smoking law that are mandatory for the company to follow. The report would particularly highlight the rules and regulations that are implemented and practised in United Kingdom.


It becomes extremely important for companies around the globe to follow all the local and international rules and regulations in order to operate. An organization that fails to follow the rules and regulations implemented by government, court or any other law making authority has to face many problems. It can even be the cause of an organization's shut down. Therefore, organizations like McDonalds should be well aware of the various laws in order to effectively follow them.

Employment law, overall, is not a conceptually difficult subject, and a good dollop of analytical common sense can often work wonders. However, instinct will not provide all the answers or the best advice. Employment law can be extremely detailed at times and a solicitor needs to grasp both the detail and the overall implications in order to give proper guidance to his or her client. The interrelationship between matters such as a breach of contract and unfair dismissal, for instance, can cause some confusion to those new to the subject. Employment law is something that is subjected to constant change and is considered as most dubious laws. It is considered as important and dubious because of a number of issues that are involved in it. Employment law involves the issue from hiring to firing. The case that is considered in this study is related to the dismissal and adoption of new employment. The paper discusses the issue of dismissal and the adoption of new employment from variegated perspectives.

Company Background

The first McDonald's outlet was opened by brothers McDonald's in 1948. At that time, it became the first local franchise in the history of fast food in San Bernardino, California (USA). It offers fast food which is prepared and serves at high speed. There is no doubt that the basis of their success was to replace the conventional dishes used in the rest of restaurants. After some time, they reached a high level of sales although their menu was limited but they kept growing.

The success story of McDonalds starts with Ray Korc story when he sold milk shake mixer that could shake five milk shakes simultaneously to a restaurant in California that was more of a hamburger stand. McDonald brothers ran this stand with the idea of quality, service, cleanliness and value or affordable ...
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