Business Management

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Business Management

Business Management

Part - 1

Every individual responds, positively or negatively, to another person, to a group of people, to an object, to a situation that includes objects and people with an idea. Very often, the possession of an attitude predisposes an individual to react in a specific way. Knowing the attitude sometimes allows predicting the behavior, both in business and in other aspects of life.

Types of Attitudes

The types of attitudes that are considered in the book are those that relate to the job and are the focus in organizational behavior and biggest way are three attitudes:

Job satisfaction - It is a set of emotions and feelings that an employee view their work favorable or unfavorable (Nicodemus, 2012).

Involvements with work - It is the degree to which employees are immersed in their work, spend energy and time, and conceived the work as an essential element of his existence. Having meaningful work and perform them properly are important elements of the identity of the employees. It is likely in the case of employees engaged in their work, that they have a work ethic, possess great development and enjoy the involvement in decision-making.

Organizational commitment - In which employees identify with the company and its objectives and desire to stay in it as one of its members. The organizational commitment, and employee loyalty, is the degree to which an employee identifies with the organization and want to be actively involved in it.

In my opinion job satisfaction is the best attitude towards work. It is the attitude that an employee assumes about their work logically those who derive a high level of satisfaction with their activities and it establishes a positive attitude at work. Satisfied employee can prove to be productive for the company.

Part - 2

With globalization and highly competitive market it ...
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