Business Management

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Organisations and Behaviour


The framework of organisation and its behaviour is an extensive field of management that examines how people behave in organisations. Managers usually employ various theories and knowledge of organisational behaviour to enhance management practices for efficiently working with and persuading employees to achieve organisational aims and objectives. The arena of during the industrial era, scientific study of management has changed organisational behaviour to a great extent. The changes include theories of principles of bureaucracy, administrative theories of the managers' role, and human resources studies of employees' needs (Mullins, 2010, pp. 23). Organisation and behaviour are interdisciplinary fields that outlines on the designs and research of several disciplines that are related to human behaviour and communication. This research paper will highlight, discuss, and analyse the relationship between organisational structure and culture, different approaches to management and leadership, ways of suing motivational theories in organisations, and mechanism for developing effective teamwork in organisations. This research paper will employ the technique of deductive approach to analyse the data revealed from existing literature. A deductive approach initiates to examine the data from a generic standpoint and gradually move and ends at a specific viewpoint. The instrument used in this research paper is scholarly journals, articles, e-books, and secondary data from multiple online resources.




Relationship between Organisatiorral Strurcture And Culture2

Organisational Structures and Cultures2

Impact of Relationship between an Organisation's Structure and Culture on the Performance of the Business4

Factors that Influence Individual Behaviour at Work5


Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles in Different Organisations6

Importance of Organisational Theory for the Practice of Management7

Different Approaches to Management used by Difference Organisations8

Ways of Using Motivational Theories in Organisations8

Impact of different Leadership Styles on Motivation in Organisations in Periods of Change9

Application of different Motivational Theories within the Workplace9

Usefulness of a Motivational Theory for Managers10


Nature of Group and Groups Behaviour within Organisations11

Factors that Promote or Inhibit the Development of Effective Teamwork in Organisations12

Impact of Technology on Team Functioning within a given Organisation12



Organisations and Behaviour


This unit intends to analyse the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisations. It discovers the relationships between the culture and structure of organisations and how these communicate and affect the behaviour of the human resource. The culture and structure of a big multinational firm, with hundreds and thousands of employees worldwide, in various international branches, will entirely vary from a small local firm with hardly 50 - 100 employees. The ways in which a firm organises and structures its human resource influence the development of its culture. A group of shared beliefs and values shape and determine the acknowledged the models of behaviour of a firm's human resource (Mendes & Stander, 2011, pp. 33).


People living in the society are categorised by intricate forces entailing communication between several groups and communities. If such intricate communication takes place in an entirely incoherent, unstructured manner, any performer involved will not have sufficient to depend upon to do prediction, and would not be capable to work and behave in ...
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