Business Management

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Business Management

This paper is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for BUS 5893


This integration paper has been prepared for the course (BUS 5893). It is an overview of the business management aspects that I have learned during various courses that I have attempted. The rubrics for this integration paper are critical thinking, problem solving, ethics and morals, global perspective, and the APA format. Starting off with critical thinking, the six main steps of critical thinking have been explained in detail along with appropriate examples so that the reader may understand the concept and use it in their life. Same is the case with problem solving; each step has been properly identified and explained. Apart from this, some important methods of problem solving are also discussed. The difference between personal morals and ethics has been explained with examples. In the global perspective, I have mentioned some organizations whose perception in my mind has changed after studying these courses. Before undertaking these courses I had a very vague perception about them, but now I understand their true worth. Finally, this integration paper contains a brief overview about the APA format and its guidelines.

Table of Contents



Critical Thinking2







Interrelation between all the stages5

Problem Solving5

Tools of problem Solving5


Cause and Effect analysis6

Check sheets7


Graphs and Charts7

Process of Problem Solving8

Identify the problem8

Gather information8

Develop criteria8

Generate possible alternatives9

Analyze possible alternatives9

Compare possible alternatives9

Take the decision10



Difference between morals and ethics10

Effect of education11

Maslow's model12

Global Perspective12

G 2012


Cyber Warfare13


UN Security Council14

Civil wars14

Writing Styles14


Structured Formats15


Business Management


The way we manage our business has changed drastically over the past couple of years due to unstable economic conditions and trends. These days various ethical considerations need to be kept in mind while making decisions or trying to solve problems.

This integration paper discusses five rubrics: critical thinking, problem solving, ethics and morals, global perspective, and the APA format. The six levels of critical thinking are important for an individual to understand the working of critical thinking and the method by which positive results can be achieved.

Another important aspect of everyday life is problem solving. There are certain steps that need to be taken in order to simplify the process of solving problems. Depending on the problem, the steps may be increased or decreased but the basic process is the same.

While ethics and personal morals are concerned, the issues never seem to end. Something that is ethically sound may not realistically be acceptable by individuals and vice versa. In our daily lives we always need to find a perfect fit between these two terms in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

The view of global institutes and organizations needs to be kept in mind. It is these organizations that can change the way we live by mending some policies. Finally the guidelines of the APA format which have been studied during the courses have been briefly described.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a kind of reflective thinking in which the listener has to decide what things should be believed and what should not. It is a method of thinking in which critical decisions need to be ...
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