Business Letter

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Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Ref: SBG/CMA/NB/894/10

20th October, 2010Your Reference DUB-10107-

Desmond Gordon Pike

Project Director

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Cyril Sweett International Limited

Project Managers for CMA Tower Project

Riyadh, KSA

This is to inform you that we are unable to make lodge on the project which you assigned with due on several reasons. We should have our project assignment ready to ship we hope that you can hold off until few time.


As per your observation about labor force deployment which you suggested about 24 hours working timing is acutely abnormal, although we are further lodging our work force at the project site as, I assure you for the accomplishment of project with due on course, There are numerous methods being used to plan projects, many of which are old in origin. Most persons are acquainted with the kind of schedule which is prepared by management and comprises fundamentally of a list of designated days on which certain pieces are to take place or to be completed.

Most are familiar with the supplies additional information by showing the beginning and ending of each portion of the work as well as the total scope of the project. The decision concerning the method to be used for the planning of a project rests with the supporting staff. Success or malfunction depends in large part upon the knowledge of accessible methods and the proficiency to select the method which will be of greatest advantage to the company. Whatever alternative is made for designing the task the decision will engage gathering as much data as likely on the following pieces: components, equipments, manpower, cash, and time.

Company is observing Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) technique to organize and comprehend projects by breaking them into progressively smaller pieces until they are a collection of tasks or work packages depending on the nature of the project. The ...
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