Business Issues

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Business Issues and the contexts of human resources (5BIC)

Business Issues and the contexts of human resources (5BIC)

3.3 Examine HR's roles and functions in management structures

The human resource manager can plan and formulate the strategies but it can only be implemented by the line managers as they are the ones that have the direct interaction with their employees. People working under the manager have direct contact and they follow the direction that is given to them. The line manager is in a better position to understand the employees working under them.

There are a number of theorists and practitioners in the field Human Resources that have given a general idea of the roles and functions.

The theories are as follows:

Contingency Theory: It is a type of behavioral theory that states that there is no certain way of leading an organization in the most effective manner; the best practice depends on the inside and outside setting.

Resource based view: It is when the intangible and similar resources of an organization are used in such a way that it becomes a source of competitive advantage.

Ability, Motivation and Opportunity Theory: This when the Human Resource provides the employees with resources that lead to the motivation and use of their skills to increase the performance of the organization.

Policy Goals Theory: The business strategy is integrated with the goals of the employees to motivate them.

The Key models are as follows:

Harvard Model: The main resource is the employee and their well being can be achieved by an effective HR policy. The employees are the most important stakeholder in the organization that looks after the interests of the others.

Michigan Model: It views people like machinery and labor. Much care has to be taken in their use and must bemuse efficiently. Maximum output is to be achieved with minimum input.

Best Fit Model: The Human Resource strategy is aligned with the business strategy so that all the employees in the organization work towards a common goal.

HR Champions: It emphasizes on the four important roles of Human Resource practitioners that give value to the organization. These include.

Employee Champion

Strategic Business Partner

Change Agent

Administrative Expert

3.4 Examine HR's contribution to business ethics and accountability

The business has a responsibility of operating in a manner that does not violate the laws and the ethical standards of the society (Arnold, 2004). The Human Resources have to make sure that they devise policies and procedures for the employees that reflect the ethical values of the business.

The key areas of the policies of the Human Resources include:

Recruitment: The employees are hired in the fairest manner in the organization. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected and there is no discrimination and the information gathered during the hiring phase is not misused.

Training and Development: The employees are provided with a fair, relevant and accountable to all stakeholders. There is merit in the promotion of the employees and the training material does not have an unethical ...
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