Business Environment

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Business Environment

Business Environment

Introduction A business's internal environment is a collection of the elements within the business, including management, current employees and especially corporate culture, which describe employee conduct. Though some elements influence the business as a whole, others influence only the managers. A manager's leadership style has a direct impact on employees. Conventional managers give clear directions to employees, while progressive managers empower the employees to make some of their decisions. Changes in leadership style are under the control of the manager.

Discussion Organizational environment is the organization of one of the broadest concept, because it can be extended to include almost every aspect of the content. Organizations, including the organization of the external environmental conditions. Organizations, environmental organizations, scientists use the term refers to national, political, economic, science and technology, history, physical environment, population, religion, region, occupation, culture and industry.

Conceptual Overview

The difference between the organization and its environment, making it a discrete entity organization may, scientists believe organizations. However, the two cannot be easily separated. If between an organization and its environment, making clear the boundaries of new issues, these border infiltration of attention there. Members also perform the activities and external organizations. Therefore, Pfeffer and Salancik determine the organization's activities to employees as an organization to control the border. In addition to these boundaries, organizational environment, the activities of staff and the impact of leadership than in the internal organization of the control. Starbucks defines two boundaries, according to their distance from the organization center. The first boundary, including members, who are traditionally regarded as members of other organizations, but in the organization's activities. The second boundary means that no one outside of the organization's activities (Pfeiffer, 1978). Organization and the environment are interrelated organizations rely on the external environment and the environment to create organizational uncertainty. The alliance's structure, its activities, the result is strongly influenced by environmental factors. In order to solve the problem of infiltration of the border, the organization anthropologists Chanlat developed a framework to study human behavior as the focus, while at the same time to explore the entire environment and its relationship to the environment, different levels of life through the organization running. Chanlat adopted the organizational environment in order to understand the integrity of individuals in the study of organizational behavior. He distinguishes five closely related to the level of organizational reality. The first level is the individual level, which Chanlat see as the biological, psychological and social reality of the subtle human interactions. At this level, the personal construct and deconstruct their own reality and deal with conflict, tension, uncertainty and ambiguity. In the second level, interaction level, the formation of the identity of individuals to interact with others. Interaction, including formal and informal, there will be two different individuals or two different groups. The third level, organizational level, focusing on organizational culture. The fourth level, social level, attention to national culture. Culture has developed in these countries because of geographical, historical, political and economic power, language and ...
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