The term "Globalisation" has a strong emotional charge. Some see Globalisation as a beneficial process - which will contribute decisively to global economic development - inevitable and irreversible. Others are hostile to this process, if not fear, believing that it increases inequality within and among nations, threatens employment and living standards, and thwarts social progress. The objective of this study, which is an overview of certain aspects of Globalisation and its impact on Nike Inc, is to tell countries how to take advantage of this process, while realistically assessing the potential and risks. "Globalisation" is a historical process which is the result of human innovation and technological progress. The growing integration of economies worldwide, particularly through trade flows and financial flows (Bentley, 2006, 10). This term sometimes also refers to international movements of labour or knowledge (labour migration, technological). Globalisation finally has its cultural, political and environmental largest not addressed in this study.
The term is commonly used since the 80s, that is to say, since technical progress would make it easier and faster international transactions (commercial or financial). It muses an addition further than internal edges of the economic process that has functioned for years at all degrees of economical action like village commercializes financial institution and urban industries (Litvin, 2003, 44). Markets promote efficiency through competition and division of labour (specialization allows workers and economies to focus on what they do best). With the Globalisation of markets, it is possible to exploit more markets and more extensive in the world.
This means that one can have access to more capital and technological resources that imports are cheaper and that export opportunities are expanded. However, markets do not necessarily guarantee that this increased efficiency benefits everyone. Countries must be ready to launch the necessary political and, in the case of the poorest, they may need to do to support the international community. While the word, Globalisation this today on the lips of almost all cannot say that there is a precise and widely accepted definition. Globalisation is understood by the fact that it is becoming more certain that we live in one world, so that individuals, groups, and nations become more interdependent (Guay, 2004, 7).
The complexity of defining this process is because it has different dimensions and a multidimensional character. In fact, the form of significances accompanied it appears to be changing instead than diminishing over time, assuming cultural connotations, and political, technological, and other types as well as economic. In technological terms, we see as an increase in media and information, develop transport, and change the organisation and the production process, making the world smaller than the space and time reduced (Scholte, 2005, 101). In racial terms, Globalisation involves the rapid and large-scale dissemination of the dominant cultures of this process of their lifestyles, their products, or their language. This may take away the multicultural aspect of our societies and the world in general.
In economic terms is the fact that in recent years, ...