Business Environment

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Business Environment

[Name of the Institute]

Table of Contents

Organisational Purposes of Businesses------------------------------------------------------------- 2

Key Purposes of the Group------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

Stakeholder Objective ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2

Strategy Employed for Achievement--------------------------------------------------------------2

Nature of the National Environment in which Businesses Operate----------------------------3

Systems Impacting on the Operation Groups --------------------------------------------------3

Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Measures in the UK and US -----------------------------3

Competitive and Behaviour Strategies -------------------------------------------------------4

Behaviour of Organisations in their Market Environment----------------------------------------4

Pricing and Output Decisions ---------------------------------------------------------------5

Supply and Demand -----------------------------------------------------------------------------5

Impact of Business and Cultural Environments ------------------------------------------6

Global Factors that Shape National Business Activity------------------------------------------7

Pros and Cons of Trade between UK Organisations and other Countries -----------7

Internal and External Environmental Factor -----------------------------------------------7

Impact of two Global Factors on Business Organisations in the UK -----------------8

European Union policies ------------------------------------------------------------------------8

References -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10Business Environment

Organisational Purposes of Businesses

1a) Key Purposes of the Group

As the manager in charge of Unilever Group I would like to pay emphasis on the importance of group working. The most important factor that has contributed towards the success of the company is the professional group of workforce. The members of a team with diverse competences gather more diverse abilities, skills, and knowledge that can contribute, on one hand to improving the overall performance of an organization, but on the other hand it can negatively affect the cohesion of the group because of gaps in the communication process. The most important factor that has contributed towards the success is the professional group of workforce. There are a number of companies who form groups and divide the tasks. In case of Unilever Group, the company has put up a structure that will focus more on task groups and teams to pursue their institutional goals.

1b) Stakeholder Objective

The fundamental principle of the company at present states that nearly all the entities subsists to offer significant value to its stakeholders. The executive board of the company should use professional bureaucracy system to enhance the participation of all stakeholders. It would require empowering the employees, enhancing the channel partner participation in defining the market development planning.

The fact is that in many of the situations when the liquidity is high in the marketplace and in the presence of projects and initiatives seems very attractive; many entrepreneurs have no access to fresh resources. This is because the way their businesses are managed and managed (governed) does not generate enough confidence to investors. Nonetheless the company with the help of corporate governance can craft up a set of economic, as well as administrative contrivances through which the rights and the forms of all the stock owner ship structure of the commercial control are grasped; the structure of dealings between the management of the company, the company's BOD (board of directors), its shareholders, as well as other stake holders apprehend their benefits. Through this way the company is a measure the rules, which help share-holders to monitor the board of the corporation, and guide the management so that they can maximize their profits, as well as enterprise their value.

1c) Strategy Employed for Achievement

At Unilever, strategy formulation is the process, which involves the development of long-term plans for ...
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