Business Continuity

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Business Continuity

Business Continuity


This paper intends to discuss the concept of business continuity. The paper basically intends to answer the question “what are the leading practices in business continuity management and how can these practices be integrated into an effective program?” Business continuity management is basically a management process which works for ensuring the smooth business operations while dealing with all the underlying threats. This paper will talk about the current standards, placement of business continuity management within organizations and relevant cases where continuity programs have or have not worked. The purpose of this paper is to make the readers aware about the significance of the concept of business continuity management and its relevant important functions.

Business Continuity Management

The concept of business continuity management is basically a methodology which is used to cater any potential threats which can impact the normal business operations of any organization. The basic aim of business continuity management is to assess any underlying threats and then to provide relevant solutions to deal with those threats. Business continuity management creates a framework for developing and building the organizations resilient to any threats (Hotchkiss, 2010).

The organizations become capable for reacting effectively to any unforeseen circumstances, when business continuity management is in place. Business continuity management works for ensuring that the business objectives are meet. The business continuity management also safeguards the interests of stakeholders along with the reputation of the business organization; its brand and underlying activities important for creating value.

The underlying aim of business continuity management is to minimize any consequences that a business might face due to any undesirable event. The minimum operational, legal, financial and reputational loss as a result of any unforeseen circumstances is the purpose of business continuity management. Also, the business continuity management works for restoring normal and regular operations in the minimum possible time. It is important for businesses to get back to its normal operations as soon as possible to minimize the losses and this is ensured by business continuity management (Hotchkiss, 2010).

As suggested by the discipline name; business continuity management basically works for making sure that the business operations continues without any hurdles in any circumstances. The discipline works for protecting the assets of organizations. Business continuity management has its own plans and strategies which are made for providing quick responses and contingency plans for ensuring the recovery of business from any undesirable event as soon as possible.

Integration of Business Continuity Management Practices into Effective Programs

Effective business continuity management works for ensuring the sound functioning of businesses in the events of emergency. Researchers suggest that almost one in five businesses suffer a major disruption due to various unforeseen changes in the market. Only businesses which plan to deal with disruptions successfully tend to overcome any sort of threats and challenges; the business is exposed with.

Today, businesses are exposed with several internal and external threats. For instance, terrorism and economic uncertainties have become major threats for business organizations. The terrorist activities can disrupt communications, transportation and ...
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