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Business Communications

Complaint Letter

June 3rd, 2012

Mr. Paul Campbell

General Manager

Auckland International Airport

P.O. Box 73020

Manukau 2150, New Zealand

Dear Mr. Campbell


With due respect, I, Andrew Henry want to raise an issue I have been facing second time this year. I have been a regular traveler and I have traveled many times in my life. I am a New Zealand resident and a permanent resident in Auckland city from 1995. I am an accountant in a reputable firm and I am 49 years old now. I live with my wife and we are having no other difficulties except the issues we face in the customs department of the Auckland International Airport. We have been singled out from the line by the custom officers second time this year when we (my wife and I) were coming back from our trip from United States last November. Sir, the problem is, when we traveled for the first time, I and my wife were singled out and separated from the line for some investigations by the custom officers. At first, I was not worried as I thought it was a routing investigation being done for every traveler coming back to the Auckland International Airport, but soon I realized that, we were the only couple being investigated for unknown reasons.

I am a Jamaican by race and my wife is Japanese born. We know we look different, but on the whole we are all New Zealander and peace loving people. As New Zealand is an ethnic, racism and cultural biasness free country, I thought we would not any difficulties in this country on the basis of our races.

This time again, I was questioned about my reason of being in the country. I can speak English very well but still I was forced to use an interpreter by the custom officers. After all these hours of tension I was threatened by the policeman that I will be arrested if I do not cooperate with them.

I assure you sir, other people in the line were not even questioned about their trip and reason for their stay in Auckland, but on the contrary my wife and I were questioned unnecessarily. When I questioned the officers that why is this, that I have been investigated and everyone else is not even bothered to question, and then they said to me that, if I do not like the conditions, then I can leave the country.

The problem can be fixed if everyone else in the line could be treated equally and not on ethnic or cultural basis. Every New Zealand citizen must have his or her equal right of he or she being questioned on which basis? I request you to kindly, see the matter on seriously as it can result in much mishap, as I have been facing this problem for the second time on the basis of me being in race, color and ethnicity.

I am sure you and I can find this issue to be resolved so that I and people like me ...
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