Business Communication

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Business Communication

Business Communication


In the mankind history, several technologies despite of Internet is evolving and developing application so fast which is resulting in a huge impact on the life and working lifestyle of the people and their way of communication and consumption. However it is advent of technology in the society has its impact on the people who are information oriented and thus people bound to changes that are dramatic in the way and production of life, awareness and ideas.

The online world with the new advanced technologies has developed this brand-new environment which has its own pros and cons to the environment. Sometimes people have no adequate plans, which resulted in a panic situation (August, 2008).

Summary of the Case

As an account manager at a graphic designer shop, an analysis that has been done by my boss, is summarized here as the main problem. Currently, the graphic design shop has 14 employees overall, out of which three are the graphic designers. Overall, the business is running fine, and the shop is also doing very well; however, there are some problems running on in the company which cause hindrances.

The IT personnel have reported the glitches which were causing the negative issues in the company. IT personnel reported that graphic designers are downloading software on their own, and they are downloading software's which according to them has the best features, even the software's are being downloaded in trail version, which results in the problems with the computers, and the It personnel have also found viruses on such systems. Another main concern were the sites the employees are visiting frequently, for this purpose it is necessary to implement some policies regarding the usage of the internet in the office premises.


The purpose of this paper is to analyzes the implementation of the policy and its influence on the stability or deterioration of the internet usage in the organization

Information Technology

In the course of evolution of society worldwide, there have been various issues that inevitably influenced by the behavior and thinking of the individual, such as scientific research and technological advances today, some of which govern ideology and how human beings behave. Undoubtedly, science and technology have had an impact on the society, because they have set trends, fashion and transcendent events in different countries, so that sets the courses of history and tend to adopt different ideologies. This impact has affected in a positive and a negative way where the social events disturbed in the development and evolution of all mankind (Avgerou, 2004).

Technology has brought great benefits to humans, since the invention of devices and systems for the detection and diagnosis of disease, the branch of medicine, the creation and improvement of tools and accessories that are useful to simplify the work in home especially after entering the elemental power as a means to satisfy needs. Also the business area has evolved with the introduction of technological innovations in their processes (Catharine, 2008).

The management of information and communication has greatly changed with the ...
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