Business Communication

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Business Communication

Business Communication


There is a communication going on between a supplier and customer and in which the sender is telling his concerns regarding some orders that have been placed by the client and there are some delays which are caused by different reasons. The sender is the representative of the company who is addressing to the client who is trying to deliver the message or trying to communicate the problems which the company is facing due to which the orders of the client are being delayed. The internal issues that they are facing and which is causing the delay in the production or delivery of the orders that were needed by the client are being communicated to the receiver. The relationship between the sender and the receiver is of Supplier and Client. The supplier is a manufacturer and the client has ordered something to him. The medium which is used is email through which the message is being conveyed, this medium is very fast for the use of communication. This is the blessing of technology, which has shrunk the world and the world has become a global village. The purpose of the email is to get some additional requirement that is needed to fulfill the orders that needed to be done by deadlines given by the client to the supplier.


Barriers to communication

Effective communication plays a very important role and that can make you stand out of the crowd. That can help you in achieving your dreams, for example you can get a job that you've dreamt of, and it can remove the hurdles of getting success in the academic world, and can get you a promotion that you deserve. In order to remove the hurdles or barriers in written communication in order to achieve all that was mentioned earlier, then don't try to rush when you are writing because writing should be done with a thoughtful process. But if you will rush then it may lead to errors that may cause misunderstandings. Try to avoid misunderstandings just by reviewing the writing that you have written before you need to submit it. Clarity is a very important aspect in written communication in context of business or academic correspondence.

Some of the barriers in written form of communication are given below:

Use of Incorrect Grammar

Use of incorrect grammar can lead to misunderstanding and this can become a barrier to effective written communication. Incorrect grammar may change or alter the meaning of the message and this may not be understood by the reader. So all the efforts which were made will go wasted.

Information Overload

The writer should take care of this thing that the information provided in his or her writing should not over load the information. It becomes indigestive for the reader to understand and absorb all the meaning that was tried to be conveyed. This may often be misunderstood, so therefore it is better to avoid such things

Improper Media Selection

Selection of right media is essential in order to do effective ...
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