Business And Television

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Business and Television

Business and Television

Part 1: A short Treatment

Programme Details

Title: Motor Gear TV series

Genre: Entertainment, Motoring, Factual TV programme

No. of Episodes: Twenty- five

Channel and Slot: BBC Channel, Prime Time

Running Time: 8 pm to 8: 45 pm (45 minutes)

Target Audience: People belonging to age group of 16 to 34 years, Single and childless couples

Presenter: Confidential

Budget level: High

Tag- line: Are you ready for the thrilling challenge?

The show introduces different challenges to the audiences in order to gain their interest with the vehicles particularly the motor bikes of different types and models. The idea is to excite the audiences with the adventurous and thrilling events that will be presented in the show. The tag- line is made to engage the audiences with the incoming show Motor Gear.

Potential Presenters, Target Audiences and other Key elements of the idea

The potential TV presenters of the Motor Gear programs will be the specialized and experienced presenters who have already worked with the television and BBC radio. One of the potential presenters is the journalist who has worked with the television programmes in the past. The items will be contributed by the presenters of the TV show to the motor gear TV series. There are some other presenters as well whose name are kept confidential because the show will be on- air in the near future. The target audiences of the Motor gear programme are the people who belong to the age group 16 years to 34 years. Most of the target audiences are the ones who are single and young people. Along with this, the TV programmes focuses on the childless couples due to the genre of the programme.


The program is a factual TV program that is related to the motor bikes. It involves the information regarding the motor bikes, the challenges of bike owners and the different adventures that will be the part of the show. The program will start as a magazine show which will involve several other features based upon the ratings and the response obtained from the audiences. The show will avoid any controversial and political commentary that might lead to serious issues for the program. The motor gear TV show will provide a new type of format to the TV shows that is going to feature amazing and wondering special effects related to motoring and biking, breath- taking stunts performed by the participants and driving sequences of block buster kind that will involve some of the best and precision drivers of the world. In this way, the people having extra ordinary skills and talent will also get a chance to show case their skills and abilities through the platform of motor gear TV show. However, precautionary measures will be taken in order to avoid any casualties and series injuries to the participants of the show. The challenges will be incorporated in the show in order to have a more attractive and interesting look for the audiences of the program. However, the challenges will not be hard enough ...
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