Business And Technology

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Business and Technology

Answer to part 1:

In order to provide the best quality service to their respective customers, it is essential to think from customer's point of view and should take necessary steps in minimizing the cost and risk that the customer has to bear while availing particular services. The first thing that the management should implement is the feedback service by customer after availing of particular services that whether the service provided has satisfied the customers need or does a customer faces any problem in future after sometime regarding the availing of service purchased.

Answer to part 2:

Business Action Plan for ITIL Company


The purpose of this business plan is to reshape the IT department so that any extra ordinary expenses that are occurring and any resource that has not been utilizing efficiently should be detected and preventive measure in order to avoid that in future should be taken. This reshaping would require the support of the staff personals and the implementation of this plan should be immediately followed.

Why IT as a business

The purpose of managing IT as a business is to highlight the importance of the IT in the society and to facilitate the people of the society with the latest inventions made within the IT field so that they could get maximum benefit from it. In order to do this, the firm should conduct several presentations in community halls and should focus on the importance of the IT and how could IT benefit the people in their daily routines.

Strategy to be followed

Aligning of the business

The core responsibility of the CIO, beside other job descriptions, is to give the business a proper line up. By this it means to focus the principle objectives of the firm that are mentioned in the mission statement of the business and should also ...
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