Business & Career Development

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Research into the Graduate Labour Market

Table of Contents


A critical review of the skills you developed in BKEY401 last year2

BKEY 401 course and its structure2

First aspect of learning3

Development of self esteem and attitudes4

Learning Topics4

Interpersonal Skills and Communication Skills4

Technical Expertise5

Executive Development and Goal Setting Skills5

My Personal Qualities and Accomplishments6

My professional experience and competence6

A critical review of literature available related to employment in chosen sector of the employment/self-employment market8

Marketing and Management8

What is usual career path for a person entering?9

What are the skills, knowledge, aptitudes, experience required for job entry into Advertising and Management?10

Technical Skill10

Human Ability10

Conceptualization Ability11

Ability to Design11

Planning and Adaptation11


Information Management12

Setting Priorities12

What is the value of an internship for future employment?12


Research into the Graduate Labour Market

“What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple, whether you are willing to do it, which is another matter”. Peter F. Drucker.


The basic motive of this study is to explore the concept of self evaluation and self development in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on the critical review of the skills I developed in BKEY401 course last year and its relation with “self learning about the changing concepts and behavior of employment”. The research also analyzes many aspects of motivation, and the qualities that a talented manager should have, and tries to gauge its effect on overall learning experience that I had in my internship. Finally, the research describes various factors which are responsible, for of literature available related to employment in chosen sector of the employment/self-employment market, and tries to describe the overall effect of my personal experiences on it (Brown, 2003, 147-175).

The aim of this assignment is to evaluate our critical skills knowledge, and aptitudes that are required for you to work successfully within your chosen field of employment / self-employment. This will help us to make successful applications to employers or clients and establish ourselves firmly for early career development.

“If you want a year of prosperity, plant rice. If you want 10 years of prosperity, plant trees. If you want prosperity for ever, a village education”. (Chinese proverb).

Motivation can only come from clear objectives and without a goal, no motivation possible. A solitary goal can be more or less long term. A goal is a long term defined statement, which we need to set more prime set of interim targets to reach it. The objective can also be very short term. The first question directs you to the future. It allows you to focus your resources, your energy in a definite direction and thus avoid indecision and wasting time.

From my childhood, I taught to self dependant and strong. I was born to modern, hard working family. I was taught that in order to achieve your goal one has to create his own ways, and to fulfil my desires I use to work through all the possible legal outcomes. A person should set goals and ways which lead him towards successful results. People fail because they do not know what ...
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