Business Analysis

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Business Analysis

Business Analysis

Introduction - Phase 2

The main purpose of this phase is to make analysis on the different options for an organizational restructure of MRE and recommendations on how to define an actual structure that will meet the future needs of the MRE Group. The paper also presents the reflective analysis of the problems faced while conducting this MRE project, and the learning from this MRE project. MediaFile is a cloud storage company, and the main functions of the company are to provide assistance to the people for the purpose of data storing, organizing and sharing via the internet. Media Fire provides people the facility of sharing and storing the data with their friends, customers, family and colleagues by providing them unlimited, free and secure cloud storage facilities. The MediaFire's professional plans also help the company in gaining the success because these plans are used in the offering of additional functionalities like multi-seat employee account, branding tools and different analytics. The company has started its business in August 2006. Media Fire has been started by a group of San Francisco Bay Area people who were facing problems with the large file sharing. The main purpose of establishing the MediaFire was to provide people better facilities from where they can share their problems of file sharing.

Organizational Restructure of MRE

The importance of organizational restructuring is increasing with the passage of time. Different organizations take this option as the most feasible option to gain the success. Different authors and researchers have written on the importance of organizational restructuring in order to gain company's success. Organizational change precedes operational restructuring that typically precedes strategic downsizing. Organizational restructuring changes promote a reduction in cost when employers can obtain more work from fewer employees (Aaker, 2009, p. 137). According to different researches, critical and participatory approaches to organizational planning involve restructuring strategies that address the dynamics of power in which the employer represents power and the employee represents powerlessness. Yet when business leaders have attempted to create a flexible workforce, they have witnessed pessimistic repercussions (Buzzell, 2008, p. 113). Since the 1990s, researchers have noted a renewed interest in network analysis to determine employee perceptions surrounding change, particularly in the social sciences and the natural sciences. Researchers have focused on employees' uncertainties about organizational change and identifying ways to improve communication with employees. Buatsi (2006) suggested that a decrease in morale and motivation to perform under a long-term commitment to the organization could cause employees to reduce their contributions and neglect to engage in activities that directly benefit organizational goals (Buatsi, 2006, p. 26). Conversely, Berkowitz (2006) indicated that leaders who understood the employees' job positions and tasks communicated more effectively and motivated employees to perform beyond operational expectations. A thorough understanding resulted in beneficial improvements throughout the operational structure and any proposed or necessary organizational changes. Past downsizing through restructuring strategies have altered the worker-leader relationship. Research has shown that organizations in the 21st century have increased their expectations of the workforce ...
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