Business Analysis

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Business analysis

Business analysis


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the qualitative system analysis. Qualitative System Analysis helps in analyzing socio-economic processes and their implications on environment based on qualitative influence diagrams and further information related to these. The information which is required (only the interaction of qualitative characters of the interactions, like "A enforces the change of B") is of less interest for data providers and can be used where quantitative assessments are not available, or where quantitative information is not strictly comparable. Nevertheless, Qualitative system analysis is based mathematical function properties and therefore retains a rigorous approach. This assures that even from relatively vague initial statements, consistent chains of argumentation can be derived.

Literature Review

The qualitative system analysis is one of the of a bundle of procedures for systematic textual analysis that were developed about 20 years ago in connection with a large-scale interview study on the psychosocial effects of unemployment (Aaen, 2001, p. 123). As part, qualitatively oriented approaches are precisely important evaluation on issues close to the material which are used to develop out of the material. Here in qualitative content analysis, procedures of inductive category development have been proposed which is based on systematic reduction processes within the psychology in which text processing have been described. The basic idea is, from the question of the study derived and theoretically justified to define a defining criterion that determines which aspects should be taken into account in the material, and then gradually work through the material afterwards (Bansler, 1993, p. 193). The developed categories will be revised in a feedback loop; a proof of reliability subjected, and can be later combined into categories and over evaluated depending on the issue even after quantitative aspects. The qualitative analysis step consists in deductive won categories to assign passages covered methodically. 

Especially in recent years in the context of qualitative research, computer programs have been developed to support the qualitative work with texts can. The computer is playing a triple role. It is assistant by the sequence model in which defined analysis steps (underline text by work, marginal notes, category definitions, coding rules, comments on the material) on the screen enable and support and also help facilities offered (searching, jumping in the text, compilation of passages). It is a documentation center, by holding all analysis steps, and thus comprehensible and also makes comparisons analysis comprehensible (e.g. tracing of causes of non-reliabilities). It provides links to quantitative analysis (often already in the program installed). For example, category frequencies are analyzed, without error-prone transmission of data by hand to another computer program (Bansler, 1989, p. 24). For working with qualitative content analysis methods there is a need of two computer programs to be particularly useful, which are also available as demo versions on the Internet, ATLAS / ti ( ) and winMAX (Baltzan, 2008, p. 14).

With the qualitative content analysis, procedures of systematic text analysis have been described with the use the strengths of communication science content analysis (theory-guided awareness, usually headed awareness, communication model, category-based, ...
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