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Total quality management is one of the best elements with the help of which best quality can be maintained and generated and it will eventually help in building strong customer's relationship as well. Total quality thus deals with every single business unit in order to make up an overall strong business that can helps in generating best possible outcomes. For successful business important elements with the help of which potential outcomes can be generated are:

Satisfied customers

Satisfied suppliers

Best quality products and services

If these above mentioned elements are always highlighted then only a business can generate optimal outcomes without facing any further issues as well as difficulties. Therefore, in order to maintain the level of satisfied customers, suppliers and to generate best possible products and services, every single business unit should be best and regularly maintained and monitored to ensure best outcomes. A product or service is usually generated by keeping in mind every single business cycle category. For this, customers, suppliers and products and services itself should be best enough as well. As far as this case is concerned, Unix by all means actually want to build up a strong relationship with its suppliers so that every single work can be best possibly monitored and no further issues will be faced. Therefore, Unix has faced all the roubles only to be best with his suppliers in order to have something optimal as well as potential in return. As a matter of fact, Unix do have an option to choose suppliers on the basis of lowest prices as well but, this can ruin the image of his business and in short productivity of his business will be affected. Therefore, this is the only possible reason with the help of which best relationship can be maintained with the suppliers and outcomes can then be generated without any further issues and problems (Hill & Alexander, 2006, p.273).

Trust and co-operations as per the case are two main as well as important elements with the help of which best relationship can be build up with the suppliers. As a matter of fact, it is not possible to go for every single supplier and treat him/her individually. Therefore, overall maintaining the relation with the suppliers is important and it should be monitored regularly and in an organized manner as well. For any business, cost really matters and going for cheap ways and methods can ruin the overall business as well. Therefore it is very much important to choose best possible method from the very beginning by keeping in mind quality and assurance. This is therefore termed as the only possible method that can actually help in generating best possible outcomes that can for sure satisfied the customers along with the suppliers. Along with this, when suppliers are happy and satisfied, optimal outcomes are generated without any further issues and problems (Grigoroudis & Siskos, 2009, p.308).

Five principals as used by Unix are:

Strive for excellence

This relates to the working quality, methods and procedures. From the very start, ...
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