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Business Process Modelling

Table of Contents



External factors1

Transformation Model2


Core Processes3







Environmental Impact of Dry Cleaning5

Two External Factors Chosen5





This paper discusses the processes associated with a dry cleaning business. We begin with highlighting a number of external factors that a launderette could face in a business environment. Following the external factors we shall apply the Transformational Model on a hypothetical dry cleaning business. The paper would then go on to discuss the impact the environment has such business and what efforts and legislations are in place. Lastly, we shall discuss two most important factors that can determine the progress and future of a launderette.

Business Process Modelling


The paper deals with an analysis of a dry cleaning business and the processes and market factors or forces that influence operations. The paper also looks into the business by applying the “transformational model” in order to assess the core processes, strategy, environment, culture and structure of a launderette.

External factors

Competition posed by business already serving the market

The number of women opting to have a professional career is on the rise; these are women who have traditionally done their cleaning and laundry at home. This segment can serve to be of vast importance and potential to such a business.

Businesses are now offering innovative solutions to laundry needs by providing home delivery of laundry and cleaning items.

The time consumed by laundries has decreased significantly with the advancements in technology

Forecasts for laundry businesses has been positive with experts and reports showing an upward trend due customer inclination

New businesses are being set up in the market

Laundry businesses can be run by increasing sales volume which can also decrease fixed expenses

There is increased competition with the success of new laundry businesses that have been offering the same form of services

Technological advancement has entirely altered the way laundry businesses operated with the arrival of a family of advanced and automatic machines (Cadle et al, 2010, pp. 78)

Transformation Model

The Transformational model is a framework that is employed to assist the management in gaining a clear and concise understanding of their business. In this case, this model would be applied to a launderette to understand the internal and external factors that influence the design and decision making.


Laundry businesses are now providing customers with home delivery service for laundry items. In addition to home delivery, there also a number of businesses that are now offering alternation services that have been able to gain customers' attention. This service is aimed at the working professionals that find it difficult to find time to make alterations themselves or visit a tailor. With continued services of this form, customers eventually can be made loyal to a certain dry cleaner. This will result in satisfied customers referring the business to their colleagues and friends. With the increase in the number of customers, dry cleaners would be able to carve out market share from the competition.

Core Processes

Core functions of a dry cleaning business would be to dry clean clothing, laundry services for articles such ...
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