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Strategic Information Analysis Report

Table of Contents



Overview of the Research Method3

Overview of Design Appropriateness4

Method of Collecting Data5

Ethical Considerations6


Gantt Chart8


Strategic Information Analysis Report


Customer satisfaction could be defined as cognitive judgment, post-choice connected to particular purchase decision. Often satisfaction of customer has been described as a link between the quality perceived and the process of post-purchase evaluations and decisions (Churchill & Surprenant, 1982; Cronin & Taylor, 1992, p. 56). Customer satisfaction has been found to exhibit strong influence on intent to re-purchase and overall customer retention (Tornow & Wiley, 1991, p. 17). Firms often use satisfaction of customer as a primary measure of service or/ and product performance (Anderson et. al., 1993, p. 53). For example, an individual who attends a real estate event will evaluate the quality of the experience during, and after, the game. If the individual perceives the real estate event has provided a high quality experience, he/she will leave the game a satisfied customer. Furthermore, the individual will make future entertainment purchase decisions based on the outcome of this experience. Likewise, if the individual does not feel as though the entertainment experience will be of high quality, the person will leave the game dissatisfied. This dissatisfaction will also shape the individual's future entertainment purchase decisions (Tornow & Wiley, 1991, p. 17).

Customer retention exists as one of the most challenging and lucrative organizational goals for a business. Marketing theory has long recognized that customer satisfaction provides the foundation for high customer retention rates. Anderson, Fornell, and Lehman (1994, p. 54) showed that there is strong economic benefit to a firm that could be able to maintain high levels of customer retention rates and customer satisfaction. With this in mind, a primary organizational concern becomes achieving this high level of satisfaction among consumers. The concepts of quality and performance have been identified as determinants of satisfaction (Anderson et. al., 1993, p. 53).


The experiential nature of customer satisfaction makes it a construct that is unique to each individual consumer (Oliver, 1993, p. 460) and thus difficult to satisfy the quantify for one large consumer group. Customer satisfaction, or dissatisfaction, outcomes are based on subjective perceptions of quality rather than objective organizational quality standards (Greenwell et. al., 2002, p. 129). This means that organizations must work to fully understand a variety of different types of consumers of their services and products to ensure the higher level of perceived quality among those diverse groups. However, while quality and customer satisfaction are inseparably linked in service-based industries, the two terms are not synonymous. Numerous researchers have argued that they are not identical constructs, but service quality has an important relationship with customer satisfaction (Chelladurai & Chang, 2000, p. 13). As such, organizations must work to discover how consumers perceive the quality of the services offered to ensure satisfaction and customer retention.

Customer satisfaction is critical to fostering re-purchase intentions and behaviours and thus developing actual consumer loyalty across many business sectors. In the service industry, one of the primary determinants of customer satisfaction is consumer perception of ...
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