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Analysis of Samsung galaxy mobile and Apple Iphone 5

Analysis of Samsung galaxy mobile and Apple Iphone 5


Market structure of mobile companies

Analysis of market structure in which companies are operating play an crucial part in analyzing the competition of company, its performance, current strategies, and clear direction for future accomplishment (Blake, 2000). Market structure of Samsung galaxy mobile and Iphone 5 is very complex; however, its functioning is based on enhancing the customer market, further development of market, and development of new product in market (Chan, 2005).

Companies, after analyzing the market structure can create a significant valuable profile that will comprise of broad synopsis of their resources that are of significant importance that would ultimately help company in developing a comprehensive strategy for improving the performance of the company, and in evaluating the current performance. On the other hand, market structure of mobile industry is based on five basis dimensions that are discussed below.

Figure 1: Dimension of mobile market structure (Chen, 2010)


Term price is directly related to the value of product, and ultimately damaging the overall value of company in the market. For example “if customer, says that price of your product is very high, it means that the value of your product is very low” (Chow et al, 2012). In above context price is considered, as the prime dimension of market structure as determining the price of product helps company in positioning of the product on real and perceive foundation such as current, and futuristic needs of customers, strategies of competitors, and others. In short, selection of appropriate price helps companies in answering following key questions (Chungm, 2009).

What do consumers worth, predominantly in contrasting to available substitute?

What is the appropriate price of product in current market condition?

What is the level of price sensitivity of this market?

how many companies of market are able to gain price advantage

what is fluctuation level of prices of market product, or are they stable


After price, buyers of product are second important dimension of mobile market structure, as they play an important part in analyzing companies marketing strategies. Moreover, with frequent innovation in the technology sector, and at a rate at which individual companies are planning to innovate, and introduce new product, it is important for them to find answer of these question, as it will help them in analyzing the structure of market in more appropriate manner.

which type of individual are currently buying products from the market

what is the population of actual buyers in market

From where these buyers are operating

what is the perception of product they bought from the market

Are these potential buyers able to increase the market share of particular product

Towards which products customers are more inclined, and what are the appropriate reasons


Third most important dimension plays an important part in identifying the popular players of market, and their potential competitors (Cromar, 2010). Based on normal perceptions companies of mobile market shows more interest in (their technology, potential buyers, regulation they follow, and price they charge for their ...
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