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It's just business, nothing personal

It's just business, nothing personal

In the early stages of the Organizational behavior developments the factors such as emotions, and cognitive involvement were considered to be insignificant. However, now in the past few years all these factors have gained great significance in relation to business and organizational setup. Emotions are the indivisible mechanism of the human nature that are responsible for guiding the behaviors of the human beings through increasing their readiness to react in a certain manner, under certain circumstances owing to several feelings, which we experience towards any object, person or event. So, this makes it obvious that wherever the human element is involved then there is bound to be emotional outcomes attached with every action and interaction. Therefore, the significance of sentiments at workplace cannot be underestimated.

Emotions definitely play an important role in our lives; big five are known emotions, happiness, anger, anxiety, fear and sadness. It is generally considered that the only emotion is happiness healthy and others are harmful pair body. Emotional intelligence is a set of four skills: awareness of their own emotions and the emotions of other people manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. Everything that exists in our world is any information, including emotions. During business negotiations for us, first of all, important information on effective if our behavior when interacting with a partner. Usually, we ask the question, "What?" - What to say, what to do if such a reaction would be. Emotional intelligence decides means to answer the question "how" - how to say this to the source reacted like that.

Numerous studies on emotional intelligence have shown that all emotions are necessary, only the misuse of them leads us astray that may cause us diseases and disorders. Rabies is necessary and justified in the case of injustice, and then we must know how to use and direct it not to dominate us, and not continue in this state too long.

Fear comes in times of real danger, makes us fight or flee to survive, whereas fear is imaginary reasons, hurts us and kept in a state of tension, sadness is likewise necessary in case of a loss example. The anxiety you feel before taking action. As in our health, emotions also have a significant effect on business relations. In my experience as a negotiator I have seen many businesses lose by anger and pride, or another of the emotions described above (Kiely, 2005, pp.373-390).

John and Peter were friends, almost brothers, of the same nationality, the same people, their families were related, had so much in common, which also belonged to the same branch, as traders, John was a distributor of brand A and brand was Pedro B. Brand A dominated the market in a major city. Mark B, Peter wanted to compete outside this area, Peter began looking for a place to set up shop. When John found out, he was very nervous and upset, not competition, but because it was Pedro, his brother's ...
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