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Answer 1

This particular case is said to be a case of negative externalities. In economics, externalities can be also termed be as a transaction spill over. Furthermore it can be defined as the cost as well as the benefit that cannot by any means be transmitted through the tool of pricing. It is also said to be the cost that is said to be incurred by an entity that initially did not have an agreement with respect to the action that is premise behind the cost as well as the benefit. That cost that is said to be incurred through an externality can be termed as negative externality. Negative externality is said to be precisely defined as an action or sequence of actions that a product or a consumer has done which induced harm to a third entity. The harm that has been induced to the third entity can be termed as a social cost. It can also be termed as external diseconomies as well as the external costs. External costs are said to be related to be the impact that a product or a service has had on the environment. The disadvantages that alcohol consumption and production has cannot be ignored. Alcohol in terms of production is an ill to the society. Alcohol consumption is the root to all evils. According to the study, 19.7% of all alcohol consumed in the United States is accounted for the age group 12-20 years. Although the rate of drinkers in this age group decreased in the last 20 years, with 72.9% in 1979 to 63.7% in 2001, but in the last decade, the dynamics of this indicator is insignificant. Alcohol is said to be a root cause in terms of juvenile crimes.

Alcohol is also highly related to street crimes. Research indicates that criminals frequently consume alcohol prior to committing a crime. A study by Department of Justice reports that over 36 percent of convicted offenders were drinking alcohol when they committed the offense for which they were convicted. Overall, nearly four out of 10 in totality are violent victimizations that are said to constitute alcohol, and in totality about four out of ten vehicle accidents are due to the consumption of alcohol.

More specifically, research shows that alcohol use is associated with higher likelihood of alcohol dependence and other substance use, criminal activity, unintentional injuries, unplanned and unprotected sex, involvement in physical fights, and suicidal ideation and attempts. Because youth are particularly vulnerable, many of the policy initiatives that seek to prevent and reduce alcohol use target underage drinking specifically.

From environmental perspective, Alcohol is said to be used by the modern world as a source of fuel. It is said to be a dominant energy fuel for the modern day processes. However these modern day companies fail to realize that Alcohol regardless of the fact that it is abundantly available tends be equally harmful to the environment especially when it comes to ethyl as well as methyl ...
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