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Sustainable Customer Value Assessment

Table of Contents

Executive Summary2




Situation Analysis4

Market Trends4

Marketplace Synopsis5

Keys to Achievement6

Critical Issues for Event Management Company6

SWOT Analysis7

Marketing Plan for Event Management Company8


Service Offering11

The conception of Value in the event management business11

Customer Worth in Event Management Business12

Value Creation and Business Achievement13

Competition and Customer Value15

Gantt chart for Marketing Event Planning and Execution17



Executive Summary

The higher-ranking administration have asked for a management report, supported by academic underpinnings, advising how Event Management Company will build up a more organized service contribution to the gain of the clients, both present customers and potential beyond what already exists. This piece of information will look onto the features and assess the impact of creating a customer loyalty and faithfulness as a medium for sustaining incessant organization development and progress in the highly competitive Qatar marketplace of Event Management Company. Antecedent features of customer satisfaction and customer relationship management put forward to understand and become aware of the conception of consumer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is an imperative tool to create and make customer loyal towards particular brand or product. Service quality and worth is an important element of customer satisfaction which can be ignored in any state of affairs. Image of an organization plays a great role in shaping awareness and views of customer towards particular business. The suggestions in the description are for an extensive promotion and operations stratagem of the service, which will be focused in order to get together stated goals and give benefits and worth to the customers. Exercise of data base marketing and loyalty schemes are imperative tool to assess sustainable customer worth which eventually shows the way to customer's satisfaction and retention of loyal customers. On the other hand, it is very important for all companies to survive successfully in ferocious Qatar market by making a strong customer base and promote for their wellbeing. This report will look on to the exact and detailed meaning of customer worth, together with the models of customer value and how it creates a great success for a business.

Sustainable Customer Value Assessment


Marketing in the community segment is administered by three main drives: societal, financial and political. The interface of these drives in an increasingly uncertain and unsteady environment makes the stipulation of client choice of service challenging, if not viable. The execution of marketing begun with the simple trade phase in the precedent account, where people generated additional commodities and then trade them for other things they wanted. After that, companies in the proposition of looking for how best to struggle moved to the marketing phase where companies replaced production point of reference with marketing direction (Jobber, 2008, 51). Rather than attempting to get consumers to pay money for what firm has produced, a great number of firms started their hard work and put efforts to produce what consumers require most in a product. It was then acknowledged that long-run competitiveness was more expected when firms pay immense attention and stress on catering customer's needs and ...
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